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-Izuku POV-

It was dark, everything was always dark.

"Izuku honey, I want you to understand that daddy won't be coming back ok? Don't cry baby, mommy's here don't cry."

But I'm not crying, nobody is. Nobody's here, Izuku isn't here, nobody's here.

"Your son is quirkless."

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry,"

Quirkless? What does that mean? Why are you always sorry, is it something I did? It's dark, always dark.

"I'm going to be number 1 hero! You can be my sidekick!"

Pain, something hurts. My eyes are burning. Pain, pain, pain, pain, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN!

I opened my eyes with a start, the room was dark and silent other than fast beeping noises from the screen next to me. I touched my face to see that it was damp from sweat and a bit clammy. Paper daggled on my wrist, loosely fasted, but nobody was there. I slid off the bed only to fall to the ground lifelessly to the ground. It hurt, but I couldn't stand it, I could barely move my toes. I was helpless, nobody was here.

"Give up, everybody knows you can't do it."

The voice came from nowhere and everywhere. The voice wasn't mine. I tried to speak but nothing came out, I looked around again, nobody was there. Using my arm that was somewhat functional, I got myself on the bed again. Nobody was anywhere, I closed my eyes again, maybe someone would come.

"Get the f**k out of my way, why are you still here? You're such a waste of space!"

I can't help it, I can't move.

"You really can't do anything unless someone is helping you can you? You're what the French call Les Incompétents."

I can't help it, my legs won't move. I can't help it, just shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!


"Oniichan!! The doctor said you opened your eyes twice! Look, I bought a Daruma-san! We can use it to make our wishes come true!"

I opened my eyes at the sudden noise, startling the person in front of me. She was a young girl with grey curls resting on her shoulders. Her big red eyes looked at me as her lips went all the way up, showing little dimples in her cheeks.

"Good morning Oniichan," she whispered, handing me a slightly heavy object. It was a bit oval with a flat bottom, the face was painted weirdly except for the eyes. There were no eyes, I looked up to see another person next to the girl. Unlike her, his eyes were quite dead. Save for the little light inside. He had black messy hair, and his lips drew a straight line. Under his eyes were black rims that brought his eyes out but didn't go well with his skin.

"Oniichan?" the girl in front of me called, dimples disappeared and her lips went upside down. "Are you okay?" she asked, her hand on my cold cheeks.

I frowned at her face, it wasn't right. Slowly bringing my hands up so as to not frighten her, I lifted her lips up, hoping to see them smile. To my joy, she started giggling. She grinned at me and pointed to her left.

"I want you to see the paper cranes I folded." She said, jumping off the bed and to the wall with all the paper birds. "All the blue ones are mine, Nejire-san did the pink ones. Oh but this pink one was mine!" She pointed at a slightly crumpled one that was mixed in with the other paper birds. "Mirio-san did the yellow ones and Aizawa-san folded all kinds of colors. Everyone in each class did some, oh, and Hizashi-san did the gold ones!" she said, pointing at each of the lower sections of the paper birds.

"Midoriya, do you remember us?" the raven-haired man suddenly said, reminding me of his existence. "Midoriya, tap my hand once for yes, twice for no. Can you speak?" I tapped his hand twice, looking into his eyes. He interested me, I knew everything about him, but also didn't know who he was. "Do you remember Eri?" He asked, the grey-haired girl came back on the bed, smiling at me. Somewhere I knew her, I never wanted to see her frown, I had known her. I thought of it for a while until spelling out the words 'slightly'. He frowned before saying "Do you know why you're here?" Not knowing, I pointed at my feet that I couldn't move in last night. He sighed again before patting my shoulder and going to the corner of the room.

"Oniichan, do you remember how to do my hair?" the girl asked, handing me a brush and some hair ties. I gestured to my lap and started to brush her hair.

I thought for a while before letting my hands guide through her hair and tying the strands in the middle, using her slightly natural curl, I used it to make a hairstyle I saw on someone before. Somebody, somebody, or maybe nobody? 

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