First Day of School

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-First day of school (Surprise, I skipped the festival)-

"This is Midoriya, your new classmate. You already met him but this is homeroom, if you wanna talk do it quietly." With that said, Vlad King went to his desk and started grading homework.

"Let's do proper introductions this time Izuku-san! My name is Itsuka Kendo, president of class 1-B." Soon following the lead, everyone introduced themselves to the greenette.

"And I'm Neito Monoma, and don't worry just because we don't get attention by fighting villains, we're better than class 1-A. I mean, those villains were probably lame anyway, we also fought them but we didn't go near the brink of death. Class 1-A is just a bu-" He never got to finish because Izuku snapped his mouth shut with his finger. Surprising the whole class, especially Kendo who was about to knock him out.

"Shut up, villains aren't to be taken lightly, especially the ones that played all of UA." Without further explanation, Izuku sat on his desk, taking out a thick book and flipping the pages at top speed.

There was an awkward tension in the room, even when trying to do their own thing, they felt some sort of anger coming from the mumbling boy. Most blamed Monoma because that was usually the case, they were surprised because they were told he was the shy type. But by the first impression, they couldn't really tell.

-Time skip, their back at their dorms-

Knock knock

"Um, yes?" I said, opening my door to meet some of my classmates.

"Hey, um, you were really good at english and we were wondering if you can teach us?" the silver one asked.

"Isn't Pony-san from America? Can't she teach you guys?" I say, trying to get out of this study session.

"Yeah she's crazy good at english but she's not good at Japanese, so she can't really teach us..." the short blue hair said, "and Kendo is busy."

Biting my lips, I wondered if I should teach them or go to Eri. But, Eri is having fun without me, and I don't want them to fail their english class. Sigh, "Fine, come on in. Did you guys already do all the other subjects?"

"Actually, we usually study together in the common room. That's another reason why we called you."

"Oh..." I finally realized that means nobody even touched their assignments yet. "What were you guys doing the past hour then?" I was surprised.

"Oh, we were eating snacks and just talking. Were you... studying alone?" Silver guy said, he looked sad.

"Well that's how you usually study." I answer, because who studies with friends every day, not that I ever had friends to do that with. Maybe Kacchan did it with his friends.

"Well, from now on you're going to study with us!" Kinoko-san said. (look just because he can't remember the guys names but he remembers the girls name doesn't mean he's a simp.)

-Few hours later-

"That's amazing!! Midoriya-san, you got everything correct in every subject!! How did you do it? I thought you didn't study for basically a year!" Awase-san said, causing some of the others to nod along.

"It's not like I wasn't educated while I was there. Rather, I'm surprised I was studying ahead of everyone." I said, packing all of my things into the backpack that was provided to me.

"Wow, they made you study while you were there? Hey, side question, how did you get there in the first place?"

"After school, not exactly a grave robbing but well maybe you can call it a body stealing. In case you don't know Chisaki, he can kinda revive you with his quirk. That man didn't really revive me all the way, just enough for me to be in a slight coma." there was another awkward silence, great, on my first day I'm already an oddball. Not that I'll ever be normal.

"Let's stop talking about gloomy stuff. How about we see what Midoriya-san's hero costume looks like! I'm sure you haven't seen it yet Midoriya-san! We should take a look at it before tomorrow." Kendo-san said, bringing back the bright arua I was able to destroy with just a few words.

"O-ok, but the key." I say, mentally cursing the stuttering that I'm working so hard to fix.

'I'm the class president," she said holding up the key. "I naturally have the key."

Everyone excitedly started going out of the building, leading to me to face a suitcase. As I was pressured to open it, I slowly opened it for every. I was then urged into the bathroom to change, leaving me staring at my hero suit. As a child, I was excited to think of my hero suit and name, but by the time it was time to design it, all the enthusiasm had vanished by then. Maybe because I partly thought I would never make it out of that building, I never thought I'd freely walk the streets, never carelessly smile. All those things lead up to the final product of the costume, though I fear they'd think it's a casual look but that's okay. As long as all the functions work. As I carefully put on my costume, I double check to make sure everything is properly on as I step outside.

"That costume kinda looks like Monoma's." Someone commented as I walked out.

"Well it's dark and less fashionable." Monoma-san replied, getting hit in the head by Kendo-san.

"Well I think it looks just fine. I really like the design you chose to, which reminds me, Midoriya-san we never got to ask you what quirk you have." Kendo-san said, instantly making my stomach drop.

"A-ah, well," I started to fidget with the gloves on my hand, I had purposefully hidden my lack of a quirk hoping to be asked tomorrow if I was even ready by then. "Well, my q-quirk is um..."

"It's a surprise I bet!" Somebody from the crowd of eyes said, everyone started nodding along. "We should all do a game, guess what quirk Midoriya-san has! And then, he can tell us the answer tomorrow." I wasn't sure if the suggestion was better or worse, so I nodded along with the idea and quickly got out of my hero suit.

As everybody chatted all the way back to the dorms, only the heaviness of my stomach was all that came to mind. I really hope I don't throw up today.

That's basically what the costume looks like, I really didn't know what to do so I chose it from villain deku outfits, I think it's cool so no judging 

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That's basically what the costume looks like, I really didn't know what to do so I chose it from villain deku outfits, I think it's cool so no judging 

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