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I'm so sorry guys, I thought I had already posted the update for this book!! So sorry for the late update.

After a while, the girl, that the raven-haired man called Eri, and the man left due to some medical injury I had and needed rest for. I was still not able to walk but decided that I wanted to do at least something. Sliding off my bed and onto the ground, I started to army crawl out the room. None of the nurses were around at that time so I slowly started to explore the building. Across my room was another room with the label of "Rei Todoroki" and with my head saying mind your own business, I turned the knob with much difficulty.

"Hmm? Who might you be?" A white-haired woman asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Closing the door, I soon crawled over to her and made gestures towards her hand. She smiled and gave me her hand as I started to spell out the words I D-O-N-'-T K-N-O-W.

"Hmm, are you the boy from across the hall?" She asked kindly.

I shook my head up and down to show her I was indeed from that room.

"Well, I'm sure you saw the name on your door, but do you want me to call you something else?" she stated as if she understood that I generally did not think the name fit me.

I gestured to her hand again and she soon sat on the floor with me with her hand out. I started to think about what I wanted to be called before spelling out G-I-V-E-M-E-A-N-A-M-E-?

"Let's see, a name. I guess if I ever got a 5th kid I always wanted to name them Aki, but it's kind of a girly name, is that okay?" She asked, her soft smile warming the entire room.

I shook my head up and down, earning a soft but soothing laugh from her, making me smile too. She helped me onto her bed and sat next to me, making sure I was comfortable.

"Well Aki, how old are you?" she asked, giving me her hand. I traced the number 16 making her smile. "The same age as my son Shoto, his birthday is in January. I do hope he visits someday." She said, making her frown. I wrote the words 'why won't he visit?' causing her to tear up. Making me panic. "Don't worry Aki, you did nothing wrong." She reassured me, wiping her tears away. "It's my fault Shoto won't visit, seeing me might bring back memories he doesn't want to remember." Before I could ask her why she continued for me. "Before my husband changed, he always wanted to surpass All Might, though he said he could never do it and we had to make the perfect kid. By the time Shoto was born I was so sick of the way he treated everyone else. It started to get harder to look at Shoto's left side because it resembled his father. After so much stress and pressure, I poured boiling water on his left side, and when I noticed what I had just done, I used my ice quirk immediately, causing Shoto to get his left scar. He must be terrified of me." she finished, tears streaming down her eyes.

I gestured toward the piece of paper so she didn't have to take 5 minutes to guess what I was trying to say. Taking the pencil I quickly wrote 'He doesn't hate you, I'm sure he still loves you and wants to meet you.'

She smiled, "Thank you Aki, but to be honest, my therapist says the same thing. It's just hard to believe." she said, looking at the window.

'He's probably scared that you hate him, just give him time. Everything heals throughout time.'

"Haha, Aki-san sure gives better advice. Did you remember anything from your life?"

Thinking of it, I couldn't remember much stuff that happened in my dreams but wasn't sure if it was a memory or some wonky stuff.

'I don't remember anything, but I think you're the only one who's been this nice to me.'

"Well I'm sure that's not true, you're a very nice and kind boy. Helped not being lonely in my room." She said, patting my head.

"Oh, mom you had a guest?" A lady said, opening the door. She had the same white hair and was carrying something in her arms.

"Fuyumi, this is Aki. He's staying in the room across from me." The lady, Fuyumi just smiled and waved at me, taking a chair and sitting across from us.

"Hi Aki, I'm a teacher at a middle school currently." she said, holding her hand out.

'I'm Aki, I don't remember much but some people call me Izuku.' I put the paper in her hand making Rei-san snort.

"Well, I think it's ok not to remember much. You'll probably remember someday, and even if you don't, it's good to make new memories too." Fuyumi-san said, smiling brightly at me. "Oh, that reminds me, mom, there's this new cake store that opened up so I bought some. There's enough for you to Aki." She opened a box and gave me a little bite-size cake, then proceeded to give it to Rei-san one too.

"Oh, this is really good Fuyumi! And it's so creamy and rich." Rei-san exclaimed, holding her cheeks.

"That's good, what do you think about it Aki?" she asked me.

"Ahh, tha k oh." I forced out, the words coming out choppy and rough.

"You're welcome, but it's ok to write it if it's hard to talk." she said, still smiling. I wondered what kept her smiling constantly, never showing her tired or annoyed face.

We had talked for another 10 minutes until the outside of the room started to get loud.

"Fuyumi, can you check what's happening?" Rei-san said as she took a sip from her cup.

Outside I could see a bunch of older kids being loud and panicking. From the crack of the door, I could see the same man who came in with Eri earlier. Fuyumi-san quickly came back facing back towards me.

"It seems that you didn't tell them you were going to go visit," Fuyumi-san stated, helping me to my feet. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble, there are just some of your classmates that want to meet you."

I nodded my head as she led me back into my room that consisted of four people. The first one I recognised as the black haired man Eri was with, the second one was a boy who was much taller than me with spiky blonde hair, next to him was a scrawny blonde man who had bad posture in my opinion. As Fuyumi-san sat me down, I saw someone that was a short and pudgy woman who had green eyes and hair who looked similar to myself. Looking out the door as Fuyumi-san left, I saw a couple of other older kids stare back at me as the door closed.

"Hel o," I waved my hand at the 5 who stared at me as though I was some other creature. "Di oh ne-d tomthing?"

"..." They said nothing as they just stood there, staring. Staring staring staring.

"We wanted to see if you could remember something, obviously you didn't." The blonde replied, getting a smack from the black haired man.

"We want to try and jog up your memory as much as we can. And since there are no quirks that can bring back your memories we thought we could do it the old fashion way."

'Quirks? No one has the talent for it or am I missing something?' Giving up talking, I handed the written piece of paper. I tried to find any other definition in my mind but nothing came up.

-3rd person POV-

'Quirks? No one has the talent for it or am I missing something?' the paper Izuku wrote on asked, everyone's eyes went wide at this statement.

"Hey, we're not kidding around, there's no one with the quirk to get your memory back, no need to joke about it," Bakugou said, panic in his voice.

"Midoriya, do you not remember anything?" Aizawa asked, now understanding how serious this was.

'I guess I don't, but I remember what words mean. I'm sure I knew very well.'

"Izuku, mom, it's me remember?" Inko said, slowly walking to the bed that Izuku lay in. Izuku said nothing as he watched her coming closer. "Remember, I raised you. We went through every hard time together." she said, now begging him to remember.

'I need to go to the bathroom.' Izuku quickly wrote, showing the fear he had for the unknown woman who begged at his side. Bakugo helped him to the bathroom that was right next to the room and soon came back with a look in his eyes.

"He really forgot..." he said after a moment of silence.

"Ah shit." Aizawa mumbled under his breath. 

Chains (Part 2 of Freedom)Where stories live. Discover now