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-Some manga spoilers from here on out-

"Miss me?" I looked at him in disbelief, my knees betraying me at once.

"No!" my miserable voice barely croaked out. From a distance I heard a scream. I covered my ears so hard to block it out but it barely muffled it.

"You're really pathetic, seriously, look at you. You're a mess." he said when the screaming stopped. "So upset to see me? C'mon, you should be happy. This makes you clean, you didn't kill me. I mean, killing Muscular, what an incredible lie you've been fed."

-Somewhere Else-

"So, what's your plan with the boy?" I asked, landing on the window.

"Break him, we've already got Toga on part two. He's a masterpiece that we need on the team, better than you." Shigaraki said, creepily sipping his whiskey.

"That hurt, c'mon. I even got Best Jeanist for you." he didn't really listen though.

"I'm back!" Naked Toga said, my feathers immediately covering her whole body except for the face. "You're so sweet Hawks, Shigaraki can I have his blood. Please!!!" Toga begged, her cheeks as red as blood. Actually, that might be blood.

"No, I've got something for him. Don't blow your cover." He stopped for a moment and looked at Twice. "Put the recording on speakers, I'll finish him tomorrow."

I slightly frowned at the lack of information they gave me. Just barely, I had been over at UA talking to the boys AI to check what they were doing to him. I was about to leave until Twice pulled me aside.

"You've got to come with me. It's a genius idea, really. I thought we wouldn't do it but we did, it's great!" He exclaimed, leading me to a room. Opposite of the room, I could see the boy. Crumpled on the floor, tears striking down his eyes, and blood. There wasn't much, but it was evident.

"He can't see us?"

"Nope, the wall is see through from here but not from there. It's so great to have money!" Twice said excitedly. Apparently while I was away they all got over their fear or something. And got a UA student. So a lot happened.

"What are you playing right now?" The boy was scrunched at the corner, covering his ears hard.

"I don't know, but it's a recording Shigaraki got at one point. It's doing good though."

"Does Shigaraki hate him?" I asked, staring at the boy.

"In a way we all hate him. He helped kill Magne, he's just as bad as Overhaul." Twice's face turned dark as he said that.

"Well, I gotta get going. Call if you need me." I said, walking back to the window.

"Sure will! Take care man!" Twice waved as I jumped out the window.

I looked down at the commotion going on below me, catching a glimpse of Endeavor-san.

-3rd person POV-

Izuku screamed as Shigaraki kept using his quirk on him little by little. He used his quirk enough to peel his skin but not too much to lose an arm.

"Don't you think I got much better quirk control compared to last time? Last time was very pleasant don't you think, you got much better at screaming, how about moaning. All you did was beg so I didn't get to hear much."

Izuku scrunched his face that was still dripping with tears and made a feeble attempt of kicking him.

"Not enough discipline? You would be much cuter if you just submit. Join the League Izu, we never cared if you had a quirk or not. But if you do join, I can give you anything you desire."

"Don't call me that."

"Hmm~? I mean you don't have to join if you don't want to, there's so many other uses for you. I'm just asking if you want a different option, I am lenient after all." he said, lifting the boy's beat up face.

"That's some big words coming out of a five year old." Izuku replied, his face being kicked by the enraged leader. Izuku didn't know what it was, but he was sensing a weird rush of adrenaline as he talked with the boss.

"Your dear friends will be killed, I will win the final fight. I will make sure that everyone you know will be finished off by you, you can count on that." Shigaraki cackled, grinning widely as he stepped outside.

"I'm terrified." Izuku called out as Shigaraki left. And when the adrenaline disappeared, he noticed how terrified he really was. He saw his hands, how they wouldn't stop shaking, and his mind. They kept going back to the smile that kept him alive, Eri-chan's happiness that had meant everything to him, the images that popped up when she had first smiled, the thought of killing her. "I'm terrified." he repeated again in a hushed voice. His mind was breaking.

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