Thunder and Slow Dancing

934 13 0

Warnings: Fluff and Tony is dead 😥

Word Count: 1,192



You shoot up from your peaceful sleep at the crash of thunder. If there is one thing you hate, it is thunder. There are too many bad memories linked to loud noises, similar to thunder.

Knowing you won't be able to fall back asleep anytime soon, you climb out of bed and slowly make your way to the compound's kitchen, flinching at every crash of thunder.

Once in the kitchen, you put a pot of milk on the stove for some hot cocoa. You quietly sway back and forth as you wait for the milk to heat up.


"Y/n! Get inside!"

"Daddy? Why is Uncle Obie in a big suit like yours?"



"Happy, what is going on? Where is Daddy?"

"He's helping the other superheroes save the city. It'll be okay, Y/n."

"But what if he gets hurt?"

"I know your dad, Kiddo, he'll be okay."


"Peter, where is Dad?"

"He's trying to take the gauntlet off of Thanos' hand. I think he needs he-"

"I am inevitable."

"And I am... Iron Man."


A tear rolls down your cheek as the memories replay through your mind. You take a deep breath as you pour the now hot milk into your coffee mug. Slowly, more tears make their way down your face.

You were sixteen when your dad died. Now at nineteen, you wish he was still around more than ever. Pepper is handing Stark Industries over to you. The press is still asking about who will be the next Iron Man, even though there will never be another Tony Stark. The Government is pushing for all of the suits to become government property. You know Tony would have had the perfect response to all of your concerns.

Wiping away your tears, you grab your mug of cocoa and walk through the compound to Tony's old lab. You shiver as you push the door open, thankful for your hot cocoa. You keep the lights off, the moon shining through the multiple picture windows, being enough light to see. You sit in your dad's spinny chair that was always in the lab just for you.

You let out a sigh when you can no longer hear the thunder, but instead the light pitter-patter of the rain hitting the windows. Looking around the lab, your mind is flooded with memories of you and Tony in the lab.

"Okay, Kiddo, point the camera at me."

"Are you gonna fly, Daddy?"

"That's the goal."


"Dum-e! Spray, Daddy!"

"No don- argh."


"I wonder who was messing around in here?"

"Mmmm, I don't know."

"It's interesting that this mystery person happens to go to Midtown Middle School, just like my daughter."

"Wow, that's crazy."

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