No, You Don't Mean That

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Warnings: angst and sadness :(

Word Count: 1,140


"Miss Stark, your presence is requested in the press room."

You rub your eyes as you sit up in bed. "Hmmm, what time is it Fri?"

"11:30. Miss, I suggest you hurry to the press room, I'm being told it's urgent."

Not thinking, you quickly leap out of bed and run to the press room. You fling the door open and immediately freeze. The room is filled with reporters and all the Avengers. All eyes are on you, Tony facepalms as you look down at what you're wearing; spandex shorts, Nike socks, and one of Peter's science pun t-shirts.

Pepper clears her throat. "Please welcome Tony's daughter, Y/n Stark. Please excuse her outfit, she is very much her father's daughter and I would assume forgot about today's important announcement. Please take your seat, Y/n."

A blush creeps across your face as you make your way up to the front of the room. You take your hair out of the messy bun as you sit down next to Tony and Rhodey. You don't even have to look at either of them to know they both have some sort of snarky comment they want to make.

"Morning Dad, Uncle Rhodey."

Tony smirks."Nice shirt."

You let out a quiet groan knowing you will never live this down. "Can someone remind me what this special announcement is?"

Rhodey looks between you and Tony as if to say 'you are exactly the same' before shaking his head. "Wow Y/n, I would think as his girlfriend you would remember that today is the day that Peter officially joins the Avengers."

Your jaw drops as you finally remember. "Oh my god, I am an awful girlfriend. I told him I would walk in with him to help calm his nerves. I have to go out by h-"

You're interrupted by Pepper introducing Spider-man. "Now I would like to welcome the newest addition to the Avengers, your friendly neighborhood Spider-man."

The crowd erupts with cheers as Happy and Spider-man walk out towards the podium. You can feel Peter's eyes on you for a minute causing your stomach to twist itself into knots. You feel absolutely awful throughout the rest of the press conference; you don't even realize it's over until Tony pats your shoulder.

"Earth to Y/n. You okay kiddo?"

You swallow hard before shaking your head. "Where's Peter?"

"He went back up to the penthouse with the rest of the team."

You slowly get up from your chair. "I need to talk to him. I need to apologize."

~meanwhile in the penthouse~

Clint walks into the living room with drinks for everyone. He passes them all out before taking a sip from his own.

"What was up with Y/n? When the conference was over she looked like she was gonna pass out."

Nat chuckles. "I don't know but she sure looked frazzled when she walked in. She's just like Tony so she definitely forgot."

Peter sadly looks at his drink in his hands as he thinks about how you were supposed to walk with him instead of Happy and that you seemed to have forgotten about one of the most important days of his life.

Rhodey notices this and places a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Don't be too disappointed Pete, it's a Stark thing. She truly didn't mean to forget and I can guarantee she feels awful."

Peter lets out a sad sigh. "I know, it's just I guess I thought maybe she would actually remember this time."

As if on cue you come running out of the elevator. "Peter, I am so sor-"

"Save it," Peter snaps as he stands up off the couch. "I don't want to hear another meaningless apology."

You're taken aback by Peter's outburst as is everyone else in the room. "I-I...excuse me? Peter, I am genuinely sorry. I was up late working and then woke up late and everything just slipped my mind."

Peter throws his hands up and you can see that he has tears in his eyes. "Y/n, you promised. You promised that I wouldn't have to walk into that room alone. You promised you would be there in case my anxiety flared up. But were you there? No, no you weren't. This is the fifth time this month that you've forgotten about something we had planned."

Tears are now streaming down both of your faces. You step closer to grab Peter's hands, but he steps away. Your hands drop to your sides as you watch the boy's heart break right in front of you.


Peter shakes his head. "Don't...Y/n... it's obvious that whatever you've been working on is more important...maybe...maybe we should take a break."

You stare at Peter in shock, unable to get any words out. You shake your head slowly. " you don't mean that Peter."

"Today was one of the most important days of my life and you didn't even bother to remember it, so yes I do mean it. I love you, Y/n, I truly do, but I can't do this. If this is what it will always be like...I don't want it. I'm sorry Y/n."

With that Peter grabs his backpack and heads for the elevator. He turns around one last time with the most heartbroken look on his face. "Goodbye, Y/n. I hope whatever you're working on is spectacular."

You feel your heart shatter into a million pieces as you watch Peter step into the elevator. You open your mouth to say one last thing before the doors close, however, you're too late. Your knees give out below you as you start sobbing. You feel someone pick you up and carry you to the couch.

Everyone gives you space to let it all out while they process what just happened.

After you've calmed down a little bit, Pepper sits down next to you and wraps you in a hug.

"Shhhhhh, it's gonna be okay, Y/n. We're all here for you."

Tony sits down on the other side of you and places a hand on your shoulder. "Can I ask what you've been working on, kiddo?"

Unable to get any words out, you nod your head and slowly get off the couch. You motion for everyone to follow you to your lab. Flicking the lights on as you walk in, you direct everyone's attention to the table in the middle of the room. A few gasps can be heard as more tears roll down your face. The iconic colors of the project on the table is the one thing that makes your heart hurt even more.

Tony wraps his arms around you and you bury your face into his chest.

Sitting on the table is the brand new suit you were going to surprise Peter with.


Okay hehe I know I said I was working on a soulmate au but the beginning of this came to mind and I had word vomit and well here we are. I'm hoping to finish the soulmate oneshot before I leave for a trip this weekend but I can't make any promises.

As always I hoped you enjoyed and thanks for reading :))))))))))))

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