"Y/n, You're Soaked!"

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Warnings: angst :(

Word Count: 1,393

This one takes place during Civil War, but everyone still lives at the tower instead of the compound. Also, Peter is your best friend.


The thunder crashes, making you jump. The cold rain soaks through your clothes, making you shiver. The tears rolling down your cheeks mix with the raindrops, leaving a salty taste in your mouth.

You didn't want to leave the Tower, especially not since it's been storming all day, but you couldn't stay there anymore. Your family was falling apart, and in turn, it was tearing you apart.

You stop under a streetlight, attempting to take in your surroundings. You know Queens like the back of your hand, during the daytime that is, when it's dark and storming not so much.

Reaching into the pocket of your hoodie, you pull out your phone, contemplating calling someone to come pick you up. Turning it on, you see forty texts and thirty-five missed calls, all from various people back at the Tower. Just as you are about to unlock your phone, the battery dies, leaving you with a black screen reflecting the streetlight above you.

You let out an aggravated scream and then kick the lamppost, all the while, tears and rain making your vision blurry.

You try your best to dry your eyes, again attempting to gather your surroundings. With no luck, you decide to walk down the block and turn the corner. Looking around, you finally know where you are. You are standing right outside of your best friend, Peter Parker's apartment building.

Immediately, you shove the door open and make your way to Peter's apartment, deciding to take the stairs instead of the elevator to keep your blood flowing amidst how cold you are.

It takes you a while, but eventually, you are raising your fist to knock on the door of apartment 420. You bang your fist against the door, only to be met with silence. You internally face-palm, realizing that it's well after midnight, and both Peter and his aunt, May, are most likely asleep.

Mentally calling yourself an idiot, you turn away from the door, preparing to head back out into the rain when the door opens, revealing May, who looks like she was just about to fall asleep.

"Y/n? Is that you, sweetie?"

You turn back around to face May, fresh tears burning your eyes as you stare at the floor, unsure of what to do.

May lets out a little gasp. "Oh, Y/n, you're absolutely soaked. Come inside, I'll get you a towel, and I'll have Peter get you dry clothes."

May pulls you inside before disappearing towards Peter's bedroom. You wander around the living room you've been in countless times before, shivering and trying your hardest to not start sobbing again.


You turn at the sound of your best friend's sleep-filled voice. You can't hold it together anymore, and you break down.

Peter runs over and wraps you in a hug. "Y/n, what happened?"

"M-my fa-family i-s f-fall-ing a-apart an-d th-the-re's n-noth-ing I-I ca-n d-o." You manage to get out in between sobs.

"I need you to breathe. Should I call Mr. Stark?" Peter asks while running a hand comfortingly across your back.

Pulling away from Peter, you vigorously shake your head while taking deep breaths. "No, please don't call, Dad."

"Alright, here is a nice warm towel," May walks back into the living room and hands you the towel. "Peter, go get Y/n some dry clothes."

Peter quickly nods his head and hurries to his room to get you dry clothes. While he does that, May leads you to sit down on the couch.

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