Mayhem at class

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Minerva's thoughts drifted off to September 2nd, 1972, when dumbledore had again mistaken another cat for her. It was perhaps the most memorable of the times when he had made another of these mistakes...

September Second, 1972
She had gone to bed late the previous night, after the sorting ceremony and getting everything ready for the next class. She had the newly sorted first years to teach in the morning. She had, to her dismay, however, woken up half an hour late. She got up, got dressed and hurried to the classroom, and what had happened during this half an hour was explained enthusiastically by James Potter and Sirius Black, two of the first years who had been sorted into gryffindor and were in the class.
They had apparently been sitting at class, curiously looking around and waiting for the teacher, when they heard Dumbledore's voice in the corridor outside.
"Minerva, I know you don't want to teach, I know you must have slept late, but you need to."
Most of the class looked confused at this, because Minerva McGonagall from the previous night's feast had given them an impression of someone who followed the rules and was extremely punctual, and this confused them.
But a moment later, their confusion was brought to higher levels as Professor Dumbledore came in, pushing a stubborn looking cat inside. He smiled at the class and winked at James and Sirius, who were staring at him.

The cat stayed where it was for a few moments, looking just as confused as they were, before leaping onto one of the students' desk, a desk on which a short boy who looked like a rat, Peter Pettigrew sat. He leapt up and started jabbing the cat with his wand, not knowing what he was doing. James and Sirius burst out laughing, and the cat leapt onto their desks before landing on the desk beside them, where sat Remus Lupin. He sneezed, making the cat jump onto the floor in fright.
"Ugh cat fur," Remus Lupin said, frowning, wiping cat hair off his desk.
Sirius grinned at him. "Allergic?"
"Not really, I just hate it, and you'd sneeze too if there was cat hair right beneath your nose," Lupin replied, shrugging.
"Aaah it nearly scratched me!" yelled Mary Macdonald, another of the gryffindors, on who's desk the cat was now. Lily Evans, who was sitting next to her, grabbed the cat and placed it carefully on the ground. James grinned at her, but she recognized him as the boy who'd teased her and Severus Snape on the way to school yesterday, and rolled her eyes and looked away.
"What do you think it's here for?" She asked, but got only shrugs.
"Maybe it's some sort of test? Maybe we're supposed to do something to the cat?" Marlene McKinnon, another one of the Gryffindors, suggested.
"What'd you mean we're supposed to do something to it? Like what, give it horns?" Sirius asked, sniggering.
"Im sure dad's mentioned a spell that could turn give it a horned tongue," James replied, grinning.
"Maybe it's some sort of discipline test? Maybe we're not supposed to do anything," inserted Dorcas Meadowes
"I don't know, didn't professor Dumbledore send it in saying it was the professor?" Remus lupin said.
"What, are you saying this cat's our teacher?" Sirius black asked.
"I mean, I've heard of Animagis, they can turn into a specific animal at will, and maybe our teacher can turn into a cat and we have to turn her back into the teacher?"
"That's oddly specific," Lily said
But they didn't have time for further discussions as the cat landed again in front of Peter Pettigrew, who jabbed his wand at its paw, but this time something happened.
It's right front paw grew to the size of a textbook. It panicked and sent the books flying everywhere.
"Ouch!" A book had hit Sirius on the neck.
It jumped off the desk jumped to the window, which it shattered with its enormous paw. Remus pulled it away, so that it wouldn't fall, and dropped it fairly fast.
It jumped back to Mary Macdonald, who screamed and jumped away.
"Can someone catch that thing or do I have to do it?" asked Avery, one of the Slytherins who they had the lesson with.
It jumped into Lily's desk and began clawing at her. James threw his textbook at the cat, which bounced off onto the floor. Lily turned to look who had done it and frowned when she saw it was James.
"You could thank me, you know, Evans?" James asked.
Lily opened her mouth, to retort or to thank him he would never know as Snape, another of the Slytherins in the class, looked furious at this, pulled out his wand, aimed at the cat and muttered something, but then one of the books the cat had just sent flying hit him on the face and something flew out of his wand and hit the cat.
It hadn't, however, been what Snape had wanted, undoubtedly. The cat's tail elongated 4 feet and spiked grew out of it.
"Well done, snivellus," James snapped.
"At least he tried something, sightless," Avery spat.
"What makes you think I'm sightless you little snake," James spat back.
But before Avery could retort, the cat, who didn't seem to be fond of its longer tail, as jerking in all directions, and the tail had twisted around Sirius's chair's leg, and as the cat leapt away, Sirius's chair went down, and he fell over. Remus jumped up and held out a hand, which Sirius took gratefully.
"Thanks," said Sirius, grinning.
"Don't mention it," said Remus, grinning back.
The cat had proceeded to cause more mayhem, books everywhere and people yelling. Soon everyone had pulled their desks closer to the walls and the cat was sitting in the space in the middle, now devoid of desks. Everyone stared at it, apprehensively, and then the door had opened, and professor McGonagall entered. The class started to explain noisily, and she looked irate. There was only a few minutes left and she hadn't been able to teach much, but it had been, however, a memorable first class for the batch.

Cat tales- ft Minerva McGonagall and Albus DumbledoreWhere stories live. Discover now