Chapter 4

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Coyote Life Ch.4

Luna's P.O.V.

“You bit a fifteen year old?” I asked Scott confused about all this. He told me he wouldn't bite anyone, well except now.

“Yeah, I saved his life Luna. I know he's only fifteen, but Liam looks like he could pull through.” Scott told me. I just stared at him for a minute then walked off without saying anything to him.

~At the buses~

“I'm not sharing my basement.” Malia said. We are all currently between two buses making a plan to get Liam to Lydia's lake house.

“It's not actually your basement Malia.” I scolded her.

“It's mine and my mother noticed how you tore it up last time.” Lydia told her.

“All right, she's still learning.” Stiles defended her.

“But we're going to use the boat house for Luna and Liam. It's got support beams. We can chain them up to one of those.” Scott said.

“But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us.” Kira questioned.

“I say if it keeps him from murdering someone we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake.” Stiles said.

“I'm in.” Malia said raising her hand a little bit. Scott opened up his mouth to say something but I cut him off,

“We're not killing or kidnapping him or anyone else.” I told the group.

“Then lets be smarter. We tell him there's a party and invite him.” Lydia said.

“So you're going to ask out a freshman?” Stiles asked.

“No, I'm done with teenage boys. But, if we're playing a trick on someone, we'll have to use the trickster.” Lydia said then looked at Kira, who looked tired.

“Who? Me? No, no way! Not me!”

“Yes you! You know what they call a female fox? A vixen,” Lydia told her “So come on Kira, be a vixen.” Kira looked around and sighed,

“Fine.” Lydia then grabbed her and took off towards the school. Scott and I were the last ones to leave, but before I could get very far he grabbed my arm.

“Hey, for someone who doesn't like the kid and been living in the woods for 8 years, you sure want to protect him a lot.” He told me.

“He reminds me of my siblings. I also just want to protect everybody, and I don't want to see anyone get hurt.” I told him, Scott smiles at me.

“You know you're acting like a true alpha right now, just like me always wanting to protect people, never kill and never see anyone get hurt.” I just smiled at the thought and went back to the school.

~Lake house~

“I'm so sorry.” Kira said as she blocked the door so Liam couldn't get out.

“What the hell is this?” Liam asked looking at us.

“Think of it like an intervention. You have a problem Liam.” Stiles said looking at either me or Scott to help.

“And we're the only ones that can help.” Scott added. Soon enough he explained everything to Liam.

“Werewolf,” Liam said pointing to Scott, “Werecoyotes,” he said pointing to Malia and I next, “Banshee” Lydia gave him a small wave, “Fox?” he turned towards Kira,

“Kitsune. But fox works.” Kira replied with a small shrug.

“What are you?” Liam asked looking at Stiles.

“Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil.” Stiles said.

“What are you now?” Liam questioned.

“Um, better.” Stiles said not exactly sure what to say.

“Are those for me?” Liam asked looking at the two bags full of chains.

“No,” Malia said.

“They're for us.” I finished flashing my yellow eyes and Malia her blue. Liam flinched back.

“How did you do that?”

“You'll learn. But first you need to get through the full moon.” Scott said moving closer.

“The moon's already out.” Liam told him.

“And you're starting to feel something aren't you?” Scott asked. I felt this pain in my stomach and I huffed as my eyes start to flash back and forth from my blue to yellow. My claws are starting to come out and I double over almost falling to the floor.

“Scott.” I groaned. Scott looked back at me and his eyes widen at me. He grabbed Liam off the floor, grabbed one of the bags of chains, and then grabbed my arm before puling us out to the boat house. Scott put me down by one of the beams, while Liam attacked him. Kira came out of the shadows with an oar and hit Liam on the back of his head. I growled getting their attention, Kira was chaining Liam up while Scott came at me.

“Luna?” Scott cautioned “Luna, I need you to find an anchor, find something or someone that means something to you.” I looked at him, growling at him making sure he stays back and I thought about protecting everyone and what Scott told me earlier today, “You're acting like a True Alpha right now.” I felt my claws retracting, my fangs going back in, and my face and my eyes transforming back. I looked back at Scott feeling proud that I controlled it.

We both then hear growling, “Luna, I need you and Kira to go to and find Lydia, ok?” Scott told me. I was hesitant, but we went back to the party, and we went up the stairs to see Lydia staring at the wall.

“Lydia?” I asked.

“What do you hear?” Kira asked.

“The key,” Lydia said in a daze. Lydia snapped out of it and grabbed her laptop, pulling up the code and putting in the keyword.

'Allison' A list of names popped up, with numbers by them.

“What is that?” I asked.

“It's a list of supernatural creatures,” Lydia said.

“What's it supposed to mean?” Kira asked.

“It's a deadpool,” Lydia said “And we're all on it.”

“Well, Malia, Liam and I aren't on it.” I told her.

“There must be more parts to it. I just got to find the rest of the keys.”

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