Chapter 7

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Coyote Life

Ch. 7

Luna's P.O.V.

I was standing in a hallway at school on a Saturday.

“Where's Lydia?” Malia asked.

“She took it her freshmen year.” Scott said.

“Does that mean I could have taken it some other time?” I asked.

“Luna, you studied harder for this than anyone.” Malia told me.

“Doesn't mean I'm going to do good.”

“Well..” Stiles said.

“Well, what?” I asked trying to understand.

“It's do well, not good.” Stiles corrected.

“Oh god” I groaned.

“You're doing this, because while we're trying not to die we still need to live. If I survive high school, I'd like to go to college, a good college.” Scott said.

“It's only three hours. We can survive three hours.” Kira said. The line started moving and I did my thumb print, grabbed my test and pencils, and put my phone in an envelope that has a number on it. I sat down beside Stiles feeling really nervous about this.

“Please do not open your test booklet until you are instructed to do so. This test is two hours long. There will be two 25 minute critical reading sections, two 25 math sections and an essay writing portion that will last 30 minutes.” The instructor said and then turned to Ms. Martin “There are supposed to be two teachers monitoring the exam.”

“I know, it's Coach, he's not exactly punctual. Um, let me try him again.” She stepped out and a few minutes later she came back. “Can't find him, but Mr. Yukimura is upstairs grading papers. Do you want me to try him?”

“We have to start. We can ask for his assistance during the first break.” He told her “You may now begin.” He told us and we all opened up our books. The sound of pencils and erasers going, it was really hard to concentrate. I looked at the first question, then I heard a loud thump behind me. All the kids stop and Ms. Martin rushed over here,

“Sydney! Are you all right?” She asked. The girl nodded,

“Yeah, I just got really dizzy for a moment.” I saw a weird red pattern on her wrist and Ms. Martin saw it too and asked her about how long she had it.

“I don't know” Sydney replied.

“Ms. Martin do I need to stop the test?” The instructor asked concerned.

“No, um, it's fine. Everybody stay in your seats. I'll, um, be back in a minute. Nobody leaves the room.” She whispered the last part to the instructor.

~CDC comes in~

“Hey Kira, do you ever feel like Scott, Stiles and Malia are hiding something?” I asked her as we were standing in line for a blood draw.

“If they did they probably are hiding it for the right reason.” Kira said getting nervous

“Do you know what they are hiding in the bag under Scott's bed?” I asked.

“N-no, I've never been under Scott's bed, just on it..wearing clothes.” She stuttered.

“Kira Yukimura.” one of the workers called I saw that my nails turned into claws and Kira shocked the worker. I rushed Kira towards the locker rooms where Scott and them were at.

“It's getting worse.” Mr. Yukimura told Scott, whose eyes were flashing and fangs coming out. I held up my clawed hand,

“I can't make them go back.” I told them.

“You guys have to stay out of sight. We have to quarantine you from the quarantine.” Stiles said.

“Yeah, but where? I mean, what if they get violent? Like on a full moon.” Kira asked.

“We shouldn't stay in the locker room” Scott said.

“A classroom isn't going to hold us.” Malia said her eyes now flashing.

“What about the basement?” I asked.

“Too many ways out.” Stiles said. “Somewhere nobody could find us” He added.

“The vault.” Scott said.

“The Hale vault. The Hale's always have ave an escape route, like their house, there has to be another way in.” Stiles told us. We all went rushing down towards the basement looking for another way to get in the vault.

“Hey guys! Over here!” Stiles shouted and Scott helped him move the case over, seeing a triskele on the wall.

Scott and Stiles looked at it and they looked at Malia who barely shook her head.

“It can be opened by anyone's claws right?” Scott gave a barely noticeable shake of his head before turning towards me.

“Um, Luna can you try?” 

“Why me?”

“Because Scott and I don't have control.” Malia said while they both held up their clawless hand.

“Okay, I'll do it. But first you have to tell me what you've been hiding from me.” I looked at them “I know you think you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it.” They looked nervous.

“I know I'm on the list.”

“Yes” Stiles said slowly.

“So how much?” I asked.

“How much what?”

“How much am I worth?”

“20 million” I looked own in thought.

“Are you okay?” Stiles asked.

“Scott's worth 25 they would take him out before her.” Malia said.

“That's progress.” Stiles whispered. I went up to the door and stuck my claws in turning to the left then turning it back. The door opened it it revealed a huge room full of stuff. I was laying on the ground when I felt someone shaking my shoulders. I looked up to see Stiles above me,

“Hey Luna, I have to go find out what's happening are you going to be okay?” I nodded my head shaking, Stiles took his jacket off and puts it around my shoulders.

“You're coming back right?” I asked him trying not to cry.

“Yeah, I would never leave with out you or Malia.” I smiled and he gave me a kiss on the forehead and kissed Malia and then walked out the door closing behind him.

I was just laying there and I shifted around and I heard something crinkle. So I look at the pockets and I see a piece of paper sticking out. I unfolded it, but my vision went fuzzy before turning completely going black.

“Luna! Luna?” I heard Scott. I moved my head around trying to locate him.

“I can't see anything!” I cried. I then heard banging noises on the door and something crashing to the floor. I looked at the paper in my hands and I looked at the names

Malia Tate 4

Luna Hale 30

I saw my name and the only thing I could think was that they lied to me.

Malia and Stiles came over to me and crouched down to my level.

“Luna?” Stiles asked first. I just kept my head down.

“Luna are you okay?” Malia asked and she put her hand on my shoulder. I grabbed her hand and I looked at the both of them with tears in my eyes and I took her hand off of me and I got up and walked out of the vault, school and into the woods to think.

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