Chapter 2

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Coyote Life Ch.2

Luna's P.O.V.

“What are we doing here Mal?” I asked. Currently we are leaning against Derek's loft outside. I then thought back to all the things Derek has been teaching me when Scott couldn't and before Kate took him.

“We're waiting on Scott. Stiles told me he was coming here to meet Satan in a V-neck.” Malia sighed.

'Satan in a v-neck?' I thought, then I realized who she was talking about. “Oh, you mean Peter?” I asked and she nodded her head. We saw and heard Scott pull up on his dirt bike, he then walked towards us.

“What are you two doing here?” Scott asked.

“We heard you were coming to talk to Peter and since Lydia tells us he's basically Satan in a v-neck, I figured you shouldn't be alone, and I basically dragged Luna with me.” Malia told him.

“I can handle Peter” He told us.

“You can handle him better with us.” Malia said. We walked into the loft and I heard two pounding heartbeats.

“What's wrong with you two?” I asked Scott and Malia.

“Nothing.” They said in unison.

“Both of your hearts are pounding like crazy. Are you guys nervous?” I asked them.

“They're just bad introductions.” I heard a male voice say. I looked over where the voice came from and I see a middle aged guy, who I'm guessing is Peter, getting up from the couch.

“Uh, Peter this is Luna” Scott and Malia said together.

“Beautiful eyes, did you get them from your father?” He asked me. I tilted my head to the side, really confused right now.

“My grandmother actually” I answered.

“Interesting. Anyway I'm sure they've told you about me.” He told me.

“The homicidal killing spree came up.” I told him.

“Well, we're all works in progress.” Peter said.

“Well when you progress to your next killing spree, why don't you try and make sure they all stay dead.” Malia told him.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Peter asked turning towards her and Scott.

“What do you know about turning people from a scratch?” Scott asked him.

“Why did you scratch someone Scott? Don't worry about it, the claws would have to go deep enough.” Peter told him and walked towards the table and leaning against it facing us.

“But it's possible?” Scott asked again.

“Like say, oh I don't know, clawing someone's throat out?” I asked remembering what Stiles told Malia and I.

“Well yeah it's possible, but it's like one in a million” Peter said and that's when he fully realized who we were talking about. “Can't anyone in this town stay dead?” He asked slamming his hands on the table.

“I think they were hoping you would.” I told him bluntly. We all started to talk about how Kate turned Derek back into a teenager.

“Derek went to the site of the house thinking it was still there, right?” Peter asked. Scott nodded his head with a sad but determined look on his face.

“But he doesn't remember the fire, then he doesn't remember that it was Kate that set it” Peter told us.

“What does that mean?” I asked him.

“Kate didn't just take him back to being a teenager, she took him back to the age when he still knew her, when he still trusted her.” Peter said. Scott called Stiles and told him about Kate ad her going after Derek, the thing I caught was Stiles saying that Scott was right and Kate took Derek right out of Scott's bedroom window. Lydia then called Scott next and said that her and Kira found a dead body. Peter then says that Kate can't control her shift and wants the triskele.

I rode with Scott on his dirt bike to the school. We met back up with Peter and Malia. We all walked up the steps, but Malia and I stopped, we both smell something. It's a very nasty smell almost like death.

“Did you guys catch a scent?” Scott asked.

“Its the same one,” Malia said “the same one as Mexico.”

“What is she talking about?” Peter asked Scott.

“One of them came after us in the church ruins.” Scott said.

“And one on the road.” Malia added.

“They couldn't have followed us” Scott said.

“Maybe Kate brought them,” I said “whatever you guys are talking about.” We then heard a growl, it was a different type of growl, you could hear bones grinding and clanking together.

“Oh, I've heard that sound before. Did it have an animal skull? A human wearing a skull over its face?” Peter asked.

“I think so.” Malia told him.

“What are they?” Scott asked.

“Berserkers” Peter stated. One of them appeared at the end of the tunnels. I stepped up getting ready to charge at it, but Peter grabbed my arm.

“Are you crazy?” He asked.

“There's just one of them and that means we have a chance.” I told him.

“To beat him?” Scott asked.

“To survive.” Peter stated then takes off running. Scott, Malia and I took off running also but in a different direction than Peter did. We went up stairs and there were two Berserkers waiting for us. We turned to run but another one showed up and we started to fight. I charge at one but it just picks me up and throws me into the locker making me howl out. I shifted around in the spot I was at and I saw the younger version of Derek fighting the Berserkers, but every time he tried to shift, he would shift back into his older self. Then a loud howl was heard and the Berserkers took off, Derek was still kneeling on the ground.

“Derek?” I asked. Derek slowly stood up back to his normal height, but his eyes were off they were now glowing gold instead of his blue. I sigh in relief and I looked down and over the railing to see a Berserker watching us. I growled and jumped over the railing going after it, ignoring Scott and Derek calling my name. I was about to catch up to it in the tunnels, but they are faster than they look.

Derek, Scott, Malia and Stiles all caught up to me and Derek was the first one to speak up and point his finger at me.

“You, you don't ever do that again?”

“Do what?” I asked confused.

“I thought you were running” He told me.

“I was running.” I told him in a duh tone.

“No I thought, I thought you were leaving.”

“I wouldn't leave with out you” I told him and he smiled “Any of you” I looked at the rest of them. I then looked behind them and I saw Lydia, Kira and Peter, “Them I would leave.”

Derek looked behind him and saw them all staring at him including Scott and Stiles while Malia just grins at me.

“It's progress” Derek told them all. I looked at Scott and I saw him with a sad face looking down.

“Scott?” I asked and he looked up “What's wrong?”

“It just made me wonder when we got older and still are a pack, would you ever leave me?”  I just looked at him and smiled,

“As I said before Scott, I wouldn't leave you behind” I told him and he gave me a hug. I put my head in his neck and inhaled his scent, 'chocolate, mints and the woods' I thought. Scott let me go and I saw that Derek's back was turned and was talking to Peter, so I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back. Derek looked over his shoulder at me and gave me a rare smile, I just relaxed my head on his shoulder,

“I wouldn't leave you behind either.” I whispered to him.

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