Chapter 5

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Coyote Life Ch. 5

Luna's P.O.V.

I was walking around the school halls skipping class. I know very bad of me, but it's math, who wants to go anyway? I was just about to round a corner when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around just to see Derek smiling at me, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't do that." I told him.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He asked.

"Yeah, but it's math, I don't like math"

"No one likes math, but if you help me out then I won't tell Scott you're skipping class, and I'll help you figure out how to understand math better. Ok?" I looked at him and nodded my head.

"Where are we going?" I asked when we started to walk.

"Locker room, hold this." He handed me what looks like Liam's lacrosse stick. "Don't come in until you hear me restrain Liam, okay?" I nodded my head and I stood outside the door waiting for the thud. A few moments later I heard it and walked in.

"Liam," I said, I saw him relax and retract everything before Derek put him down.

"You're right. He is angry." He said to me.

"This one's your's." I handed him his lacrosse stick.

"Get to class Liam." Scott said behind me making me jump a little, Liam didn't move at first,

"Now." I told him, he sighed and looked at me and Scott, before giving Derek one last glance and walking out.

"What are you smiling about?" Scott asked Derek.

"You're going to be good at this, and if someone else rises to the occasion you both are going to be great." I wasn't really paying attention to them, I was too busy blocking out the smell in here.

"I am totally unprepared. Remember how you said you could teach me a few things? I think, right now I could use a full-on training manual." Scott said with a sigh.

"I'll tell you one thing. That anger he's got? It'll make him strong." Derek said.

"And dangerous." I added

"Very." Derek confirmed.

"This was supposed to be a semester I could focus on school again. But Kate's back, I got a beta, and there's a deadpool." Scott said.

"If all our names are on that list, then that's what we should be focused on. Do you think Lydia can get that second key?" Derek questioned.

"She's working on it." Scott told him.

~Game time~

I was sitting on the bleachers, I convinced Coach to let Kira play in my spot on the team, he wasn't very happy about it, but he let it happen.

I got up from the bleachers and towards the school, where they took Brett to. I was near the locker rooms where I saw the paramedics knocked out on the ground. I then walked inside seeing Brett laying on the floor with his eyes closed. As soon as I got closer he opened his eyes and they were glowing yellow. I jumped up startled and I felt something hot wrap around my neck.

"I got you! He said we shouldn't try." I heard a girl whisper in my ear, "But now I got you. I got a powerful coyote." I got mad and I put my hands underneath the wire and pulled. I turned my head to look at her and my eyes were glowing. I grabbed the girl by the neck and I slammed her up against the wall knocking her out. I stumbled over to the sinks and I looked up in the mirror and I saw my eyes glowing red. I blinked and they went back to my natural yellow and then to my normal blue eyes.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall and I went and kneeled by Brett making sure he was okay. I looked up and Stiles and Scott were there "I think you better call your dad."

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