Chapter 9

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Coyote Life

Ch. 9

Scott's P.O.V.

I saw Liam sitting on the stairs by Coach's office.

“Hey.” I said to him but he didn't do anything. “'Hey Liam, you okay?” I asked and put my hand up on his shoulder.

“Last night my printer went off by itself. I couldn't turn it off. I hit the cancel button, but it just kept on printing.” He told me and he handed me a piece of paper, but before I could read it I heard Coach,

“What the hell is this?” We both ran over and I picked up a piece of paper that was on the ground.

“You see the difference?” Liam asked me.

“Derek and Luna aren't on the list anymore.” I said.

“And I'm not worth three million anymore, it's 18, 18 million.”

Luna's P.O.V.

I was currently at the bonfire dancing and trying to get drunk. I then saw Scott coming my way.

“Luna.” I looked at him, “I just want to talk.”

“Well, I just want to dance” I told him.

“We had our reasons. We didn't tell you about Peter because it was to.” Scott started,

“Was to protect me.” I finished. “That's what Peter said you would say.” I said not looking at him. “And guess what he said next, that you were right.” Then I stop dancing. “Does that surprise you?”

“No..Makes me wonder what he wants. Luna we need to stick together, you, me, Stiles, and Malia.” 

“I don't want to talk about Stiles or Malia. I just want to dance and get drunk.”

“Hate to tell you but we cant get drunk I've already tried, it has something to do with our healing.” Scott told me.

“Might want to tell him that.” I said nodding my head towards Liam. I started to feel dizzy and almost fell but Scott caught me,

“Whoa!” He looked at me and I laughed “You are drunk.”

“Yep.” I said.

“But you can't be.”

“Is this what drunk feels like? It doesn't feel as good as I hoped.” I told him when I got dizzy again.

“I don't think its supposed to.” A headache came up and everything became blurry. I felt a pair of hands grab me and took me to the school against some lockers and Scott, Liam and Malia across from me on a different set of lockers. The guards threw gasoline on Scott and them when Scott came to,

“What are you doing?” Scott asked the guards.

“Haigh says we gotta burn you.” My eyes drifted shut and I heard the music stop and I snapped my eyes back open and I saw all the guards going down, by Derek and Braeden. Derek helped Scott up and then came over to me and held his hand out. I just looked at him and scoffed, before getting up by myself and leaving,

“Luna!” I heard Derek call for me but I just walked off finding someone who I can only really trust anymore. Peter.

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