The starter.

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"SHUT UP RON!" That's how this whole thing started. That's how you met the love of your life...
"I'm trying hard so hard to trust you but you did it again! Your a cheater" you screamed at Ron Weasley as you pushed him. He pushes you back, "shit! Grab my hand!" He shouts with a look of terror, you go to grab his hand but it's too late. Your falling off the side of the astronomy building. After a few seconds of falling, someone comes swinging down from a web "I got you!" You open your eyes and there he is. It's Peter Parker. He gets you to the floor as he see's the tears in your eyes. "Y/n? Is that you?" You wipe your tears away and nod at him. A moment of silence goes past and then he hugs you. "I haven't seen you in ages! Are you okay, what happened?" He says as he looks up and see Ron standing on the edge of the building. "He cheated on you didn't me?" You cry even more. Peter takes you by the hand "come with me."  You take peters hand as he grabs you around the waist and you both shoot off attached to webs. You get to a large tower "what are we doing here?" You ask. Peter stays silent as you walk in the tower. You walk in to a small room. "Hey guys, this is y/n" Peter says as he introduces you to the others they reply with "hey I'm Natasha Roman-off. This is Steve Rodgers, Bruce banner." She gets cut off by a red headed girl baking..."and I'm Wanda" "hey, what are you cooking?" You say with a disgusted look on your face. She replies with " chicken tikka pies" you laugh and say "that's paprika." Wanda looks at the bottle of spice and laughs along with you "so it it, you cook?" You soon laughing and go quiet. "I used to cook with my mum before she died." Natasha walks over to Wanda and nudges her signalling to be quiet. "So what's your last name?" Nat says to break the tension. "Potter" you say as everyone's eyes widen. "What?" You laugh. Steve looks at you in a flirty way "so you James and Lily's daughter." You laugh awkwardly "yeah...kind of." Everyone looks confused as you say " James potter is my dad but my Bellatrix." "Wait Bellatrix lestrange!" Nat interrupts. You look down feeling embarrassed as you admit it. The whole room is silent as a man walks in. "What about Bellatrix" he says as he overhead your conversation. Natasha fills him in as she tells him your bellatrix's daughter. "Why are you here?" Here he says rudely. "P-p-Peter invited me." You say nervously. Natasha. comforts you as she says "that's Tony stark. He's all bark no bite." Steve says proudly "so James had a thing for the bad girls." You reply snarkily "more like evil witch bitches...yes" Steve smirks at you which is when you say "oh shit. I got to get back to Hogwarts, the train leaves in an hour." Peter hugs you goodbye and you get on your way. You get to the train station and take the overnight train. 15 hours later you finally arrive to Hogwarts. You see Harry and Hermione when you get off the train. You scream and run to Harry to give him a hug "hey sis!" He says as he hugs you back. You then hug Hermione and tell her about Tom as you walk to your first lesson ,boggartry, you get to lesson and the teacher tells you it's your turn first. You stand in front of the wardrobe thinking of the thing that scares you most. The wardrobe doors burst open as a cloud of black comes out and shoots round the room. "Hello y/n." You gasp "BELALTRIX!.... Riddikulus!" Bettatrix disapears into the wardrobe as everyone stares at you. Tears fill your eyes as you run out the classroom down the hallway. "I should probably go check on her" Harry says as he runs after you. "Pssst...y/n!" You turn around to see who it is and it's bellatrix. All the colour drains from your face as the terror builds up. You point your wand at bellatrix "Riddik-" Bellatrix cuts you off by slapping the wand out your hand. "You can't Riddikulus me away...I'm real." She says as she grabs you by the neck. "HELP!" You scream as Harry runs over to you. "Y/n!...AVADA KADAVRA!" He shouts as you and Bellatrix disappear into a green flame. Harry tells hermione what happened and that he needs to go to London to tell Peter. "Do you need me to come with you?" Hermione asks. Harry politely declines her offer and gets on the train. 8 hours later he gets to London. "Thanks for meeting me" he says welcomely as Peter sits down "yeah no worries, what's this about?" Harry sighs as he tells Peter everything. "Bellatrix took y/n and then her owl send me a note with a video attached too it. I think you need to watch it." Peter agreed so they went back to the stark tower "Guys listen up, Belatrix took y/n and send a ransom video. It may be hard but you need to watch. "Put it on " Nat demanded. They watched the video and saw Belatrix pin you down and cut The word traitor into your arm. Listening to you scream in agony Peter demanded they turned it off so they could come and save you. "Suit up" Tony said as everyone got their suits on. They go to Hogwarts and see Belatrix with y/n. "Give her back your narcissistic bitch" Belatrix laughed in the face as she pushed y/n to the ground "You want her, come get her" Wanda scoffs "fine" her hand glow red as Shoots a beam into Belatrix, Belatrix tries to fight back but it's one against seven Captain America throws his shield at Belatrix and it pushes her over into a pile of boxes Harry Points has wand at bellatrix and shouts "AVADA KADAVRA!" And just like that Belatrix disappears into ash. Y/n hugs everyone individually until you get to Peter. You stared him in the eyes as you leaned in close and kissed him. Everyone cheered apart from Harry and Ron. "Give it a rest" Harry said Looking away. "Can I talk to you y/n?" Ron said as you pulled away from Peter. "Fine" you said as you rolled your eyes. "What do you want ron" you demand one replies with "now suddenly I'm longing for you back. I caused you pity you did not deserve." You interrupted him " you'll never understand the pain" Ron cried "THEN COULD YOU TELL ME WHY THE HELL THIS HURTS, when I broke you first." Your eyes start watering as you slap Ron and say " you better stay away. You lucky Draco hasn't beat you black and blue for cheating on me." You go back to everyone as you say goodbye and then go back up to the Gryffindor common room with Harry and Hermione. A few hours pass until Harry and Hermione hear a noise coming from the bedroom. "What's that?" Hermione questioned. They went into the bedroom to investigate and saw you laying on the floor having a seizure. "CALL PETER!" Hermione shouted. Harry got on the phone with Peter and told him about you having a seizure, Peter came in minutes. "Y/n? Can you hear me?" Peter looks down at your hands and see them glowing red. "What's happening to her?" Harry shrieked. "I need to you to stand back" Peter demanded Harry and Hermione. "NO SHES MY SISTER!" Harry argued. "Harry come on just move back" Hermione said as the furniture starts levitating. Peter wraps you in a blanket, puts you over his shoulder and disappears into the night. Harry tried to call you back but you were too far gone. Peter gets you to the avenger tower and puts you on the medical bed. "Mr stark I need your help!" Peter yelled. Tony came into the room and took one look at you "what the hell is she doing here!" Peter tried to calm him down by telling him about your glowing hands when Nat overheard "is that even possible?" Wanda replied "no" they all looked at each other terrified until....

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