The reconnection

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"Suit up we have an angel to please." Tony says as everyone puts their suits on. Dr strange makes a portal and everyone flies through it, you get to the other end and your hair is all in your face from the wind when you hear a voice "hey guys what took you so long?" You can't take your hair away from your face and see Peter standing there with a smile. As soon as you seen him you run into his arms. You start crying "I thought I'd never see you again." Peter laughs as he holds your face in his hands, he wipes away your tears and says "I could never leave you baby" you hug him tightly and then Tony comes over and hugs you both "thank god your alright" "it's nice to be back mr stark" Peter laughed. "Wait how is this even possible?....ho-how are you here!" You say as Wanda tells you when Voldemort died, his bodily power recharged peters heart. You kiss Peter "it feels nice to do that again" you smiled at Peter "so don't stop" he said jokingly. You went to give him another kiss but Tony interrupted "when your quite finished eating each other I'd like to get back. You go through the portal with Peter and you get through to the others side he looks at you and says "can we go in the bedroom?" You agree and go to your room. You close the door and start kissing, you push him onto the bed just as your about to get on him, the door opens. Nat walks in "hey guys I- oh...umm...sorry I'll come back" you laugh and continue what you and Peter where doing. He kisses you and says "we need to talk" you get up and sit next to him "what's up? You asked him. He tells you, whilst he was away the only think he thought about was you and he realised he can't live without you. He got on one knee and said "y/n...will you marry me?" You lean in and kiss him "yes! Yes I will marry you!" Peter kisses you again then tells you he wants to quit the avengers. You look at him and say "where ever you go, I'll go" you go into the common room and see everyone Nat points to your shirt as you realise the buttons where undone. You hide behind Peter and do them up "what's this about" Tony asks. You and Peter look at each other then you hold out your hand. "We're getting married!" Everyone cheers. You announced the wedding will be after your graduation "but we won't just be getting married" you say as you hang your head. "What do you mean" Steve said. Peter told them how you were both going to leave the avengers to start a normal life and have a family. Everyone understands but Nat. "That's so selfish y/n!" You try to calm Nat down "I won't forgot you" she cuts you off and says "yeah well you may as well as because I know I'm sure going to forget you." "What's your problem Natasha!" You get annoyed. Nat ignores the question walks up to you and shoves you to the floor. "I'm not going to fight you you psycho BITCH!" Nat pushes you again, and again then kicks you. You get up from the floor and grab Nat by the arms "what THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" Nat starts breathing heavy as she looks into your eyes "I just" she says as she pauses " you just what!" You ask. Nat leans in and kisses you. You push her away and ask her what she's doing. "You can't kiss my fiancé Nat" Peter shouts "I'm sorry, I- I can't do this" Nat says as she walks out the room. You ask dr strange to take your powers. You hug everyone and say goodbye but you write a note for Nat. The note says
"Dear Natasha,
I hope you know how much you mean to me. I love you so much. Although it's not in the way you love me, I hope you know I will treasure our friendship and I hope you do the same. Stay cute kitty - y/n xx"
You fold the note up and give it to Wanda then you lay down on the table with Peter as you feel your powers being drained away. You sit up and Tony tells you you have 45 minutes before your memory of the MCU fades and it will just be you and Peter. Wanda tells you she has an apartment on 65th avenue you can take so you make your way there. You walk through the door and your memory officially fades away. You walk around your apartment and it's got colour schemes of white, greys and oak wood.
18 months later is your graduation day at Hogwarts. Peter sits in the audience cheering you on as you go and make your ballot Victorian speech. After your graduation, you and Peter make it to the science school for peters graduation and you watch him go up and collect his achievements cheering him on. When both graduations are done, you go back home and head straight to bed. A few days later, you and Peter are finally getting married. You both put on your wedding outfits and you look at Peter. "Before we do this, I need to tell you something" Peter holds your hand "anything" you take a deep breath and look him in the eyes "I'm pregnant" joy fills peters eyes as he picks you up and kisses you. You have a mini 2 man celebration before the wedding to celebrate the baby and you finally hear the bells. You take peters arm and you walk down the isle. "Do you Peter Benjamin Parker take y/f/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Peter squeezes your hand. "I do" "do you y/f/n take Peter to be your lawfully wedded wife?" You squeeze peters hand "I do" you hear the chapel doors open and you look down the isle to see a man with a bowl around his head and a maroon cape. He takes a shot at Peter but you dive in the way, the bullet hits you in the heart. The man disappeared in a cloud of green as Peter screamed "Y/N!" He started crying as he was grabbed by Tony. Tony hugged Peter tightly. "Who are you" Peter asked "it doesn't matter right now, come with me" Tony replied as he took Peter back to the stark tower. "Where are we" Peter asks as everyone stands up in shock. "Tony... what's going on?" Everyone asked. Tony ignored all the questions and told dr strange to give Peter his memories back so he did and Peter starts to remember everything. Wanda grabs Tony and says "where is y/n" Tony looks down as he tells everyone she was shot and he reveals the man who shot her was mysterio. "He aimed for Peter but y/n dived in the way" everyone goes silent and cries in morn until Peter gets a call. Man on the phone- Is this Peter?
Peter- yes who's this?
Man in the phone- funeral directors. Y/n and the baby are dead. We're sorry for your loss
*hangs up*
Peter drops his phone and calls to his knees and screams dr strange kneels beside him and takes all the memories Peter had of you and the pain because distant. He carried on life as normal and made a family in the avengers. Tony knows your looking down so it's not a goodbye but it's a see you soon

(This book is based off my tiktok pov, @marveltiktokpov I hope you enjoyed! Follow me for more) 💜

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