19. Bakugou's way of asking you out

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 You ask him out :

"Bakugou would you go out with me?"


"oh... okay"

Then you started to walk away. He then yelled at you.


or something like that.

Or he asks you out: 

He would buy you a "talking" teddy bear. He would give it to you, or rather throw it at you. He'll stay and watch you as you were listening to the teddy Bear. The teddy bear would probably say

"Go Out With Me y/n."

When the teddy bear finished talking he'll probably say

"I'm not asking you I'm telling you..just sayin." 

You would obviously say yes and go hug him. When you hug him he shows that he doesn't like it but in the inside he's feeling it deep inside the bottom of his heart😔.

If he were to take you out on a date DATE then it would probably be at a cafe or a restaurant.

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