23. Kaminari's way of asking you out

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You ask him out:

You asked him out the simple way like at school. Your class was doing training drills with a partner and you got partnered with Kaminari. You guys were doing the training drills a little far away from school because you guys needed space for your quirks'. It was surprising to be paired up with your crush because you always liked him. When you guys finished the training drills. You guys were walking back to the school. While you guys were walking you just asked him out right there, out of nowhere. He stopped and looked at you. The conversation looked a little like this-

"y/n who dared you to do that? I'll get them back, whoever dared you to do that!"

"No no no it's not a dare..I'm serious."

"oh really. well of course I'll go out with you!!"

Then from then on you guys were gf and bf. 😌

Or he asked you out:

Kaminari would take you to an amusement park too. 

You guys went on all of the rides and went on some more than once

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You guys went on all of the rides and went on some more than once. But you guys saved this one ^^^^^^ for last because it looked really fun. You guys sat next to each other. But, of course when the swings start singing you guys weren't really sitting next to you. Kaminari was a little bit in front of you. Kaminari screamed and yelled at you-


You yelled back at Kaminari-


When you guys got off you guys started laughing really hard at each other. 

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