Chapter 1 💨

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Ava's POV

It's the first day of the new school year. I pop a lollipop in my mouth twirling it around as I wait for Stella. She sneaks up behind me. "You'll get a sugar rush." I turn and face her. Rolling my eyes. Please. The only rush I'll get is from this new year. I can't believe Mrs Dowling paired us with a bunch of first years.

I get that Stella needs to be rehabilitated but still this is not the way to handle it. "What are we waiting for ?" She looks over the school yard. I can only guess for who might she be looking for. "Bloom. New girl." I roll my eyes again. Push of the wall I'm leaning against. Placing the lolli in my left hand. "All of them are new."

She doesn't like my sarcastic comments. Not today in fact not any day. "Obviously, but she is a fairy from earth." I rise an eyebrow. "Like the first world." Stella nods her head and then it suddenly stops. Her body tense up. I look over my shoulder to where her eyes are fixed. Sky is talking to some first year. They're laughing.

"Do I smell some jealousy?" She just gives me a look and turn her head the other way. So much for good conversation. I'm so fixed in my own world that I didn't even notice movement near us. "Bloom." I look up and see the same girl that spoke with Sky earlier. This will be fun. She smiles. "Yeah, you must be Stella?" Stella looks her up and down.

"Hi, I was waiting I just got impatient." She turns her attention to me. This is probably the part where I introduce myself. "I'm Ava." She smiles at me. I guess I could return it. The moment Stella noticed she chips in. "How very American of you. Shall we ?" She turns and starts to walk.

I grab my suitcase and follow after her. Bloom trailing behind us. "Mrs Dowling tells us it is your first time in the other world?" Bloom looks at both of us with big eyes. "She told both of you ?" Stella stops and turn to face her. "No but I tell Ava everything." Bloom only nods. I look over to the other students as we pass by. There is one girl in particular that caught my attention.

Something about her is already getting on my nerves. I miss part of their conversation but Stella's cheer about the school brings me back. "There are 7 realms in the other world. Each a different kind of boring." We walk throught the cafeteria. I can see on Bloom's face. This is alot to take in. I mean I get it. Never new something like this existed could be overwhelming.

We finally reached the suite. Winx is written on the door. I open the doors to get invited to a room that is filled with plants. Terra Harvey. She is decorating the living area. Amazing. "Hi, Ava." I just smile and walk towards the room me and Stella will be sharing. Stella closes the door behind us. I flop down on the bed. It feels amazing. Wonder where did they find this one. Stella is rambling through her clothes.

"It would be helpful if you first unpack." She just glare at me and picks a few pieces. "Well aren't you gonna change ? It is after all a party ?" I look down at my clothes now.

"Nah, I'm good

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"Nah, I'm good." Stella shakes her head and decides not to confront my fashion abilities. She knows how much I hate it when she tries to change my clothing choice.

A few minutes pass. Bloom knocks on the door and then opens it up. "May I help you ?" I ask sweetly. She looks from me to Stella. I'm seated with my legs crossed on my bed. Stella modeling infront of the mirror. "Yeah is she changing?" I just nod my head. Bloom slowly mimics my action.

"Oh I thought the orientation party was a casual thing." I smile to myself. Bloom is still so naive when it comes to Stella. "It is." Stella puts down the feather scarf and picks up a rainbow skirt. "So a casual thing that you are changing for ?" Stella is getting irritated. I can feel her magic spike with every word Bloom speaks.

"People have already seen me in this clothes. They'll expect something different." I never got way Stella would go to so much length just to impress her mother. Queen Luna is a bitch to say the least. I'm grateful I don't have her as a mother. "People expect you to wear multiple outfits a day ?"

Bloom snickers at the words. "People expect me to care about how I look." I have had quiet enough of this atmosphere. "I'm out." I push of the bed and walk past Stella. As I reach Bloom, Stella speaks. "Don't go look for trouble now." I smile at her and push past Bloom.

"Terra what is with the multiple plants ? Where are we suppose to life ?" She looks at me and I can already see her her self esteem blowing off. "Relax, I'm messing with you."

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