Chapter 29 💨

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"Beatrix said that you killed the settlers of Aster Dell because the burned ones wanted Ava died." She nods and turn back to the center of the circle. "Yes. I made them believe that it was the burned ones wanting her dead. Revenge because Domino was destroyed. She is the last Ice fairy. Ice faires protected Domino and Domino protected Castello."

I walk closer to her. "So they didn't really want her ?" Rosalind shake her head. "No they didn't. The blood witches did." I was kidnapped by blood witches. My fairy parents nowhere to be found. Ava was about to get kidnapped but they stopped it.

"They were after your power. The burned ones too. That's why their out there." I shake my head. "Impossible. The burned ones aren't after Ava so I don't get it ?" She looks over to the barrier. "They burned ones are descended from the dragon flame. As far as I know Ava is an Ice fairy from the moon. They can't sense her."

I nod at the information. It all makes a little more sense. Beatrix didn't necessarily tell the whole truth but she told us what she knew. What Rosalind wanted her to know. "Are you ready for trick number 2?"

Ava's POV

The lights start to flicker and then it goes dark. I frown and look up. "Are we having a power outage?" Aisha walks in. "How does that even happen here ?" Before Terra can explain Sam stops her.

I give him a slight glare and he smirks at me. "I'm gonna skip the history lesson and check it out." He walks away and through the wall. Terra decides to inform us about the history when Sam suddenly falls through the door.

We all jump up. Scared and then I see his wound. Is that a scratch from a burned one ? "There's a burned one in the school." We turn him on his back. How the fuck did that happen ? I push all of them away. "Back up."

I go and sit in my knees. Hovering my hands over his body. I close my eyes and they change colour. My hands start to get an icy look at them and light cold air is transferred to his scratch. "What are you doing ?" Aisha want to grab me but Stella stops her.

"The burned ones can't handle cold. She uses it as a way to slow down the infection. Maybe kill it ?" I push out their voices. Focus on the task at hand. Terra jumps up. We need to get out.

She goes to the door but something is against it. She stops in her tracks. This is so not helping our anxiety. They break through and it's Sky and Bloom. I can see the suprise on Sky's face when he saw Stella. "We have to get help." That's when they noticed me and Musa on the floor with Sam.

"He said there is a burned one in the school." Sky comes forward. I see Bloom is frightened. "We need to get him to the court yard." Sky pulls him up and slungs his arm over his shoulder. Out the door we go.

As we enter the court yard. I search the yard. No Riven. I turn and ask Kat where he is. She told me something about the greenhouse. As I turn to go there Sky stops me. "I need to find him." He looks a bit at me and nods. I push past him.

Sprinting down to the greenhouse. I hope he's okay. As I get closer I hear voices. I slow down and start to listen in. That's Dane's voice. "I don't know what to do ?" I step closer to the door and look in. Dane and Riven standing by Beatrix's body.

"Yeah well it sucks for her." I smile at his answer. A little bit proud. "She cares about you and I know you care about her. Don't act like you don't." My heart is pounding. I wait for his answer. I see he turns to walk away but Dane grabs his arm.

"If this is about Ava then you're more fucking stupid then I thought." I frown at his words. What game is he playing. ""She drags you around like a second choice. Care about you when it's convenient for her. She decides when you're good enough and when you aren't. That's bull shit man."

That fucking hurts. What hurts more is that Riven doesn't say anything to tell him other wise. "Tell me it's not true ? How hard did you fight for her and she pushed you aside." I keep watching. I see Riven ran a hand through his hair. "She did that to protect me."

Dane burst out laughing. "Please. I've seen her stand up to the Queen the other day. She could've been with you. She just choose not to."  I watch and see Riven stand put. Please, Riv. My heart is begging. He nods slowly. "Fine." He goes and grab some plants and stuff.

I feel how every muscle in my body is aching along my heart. Tears are spilling from my eyes. I feel my head spinning. I turn around to run away but I knock off some plant pots. I whip some tears so I can see what I'm doing. I hear footsteps. "Ava?"

I turn to see Riven and Dane looking at me. Tears are violently running down my cheeks. I can't even stop them. "Don't even." I turn and I ran. I ran as fast as I possibly could untill I burst through doors to the outside. Legs giving out underneath me.

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