Chapter 15 💨

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"I don't need help from someone who posted a video of mocking my friend who now by the way is pissed with Ava because of it." I forgot about Terra being angry with me again. I still don't get why. I had nothing to do with that video. Beatrix look at me.

"Look I know the video was extra but I didn't say anything. As for her being angry with you Ava I'm not responsible for it. That's probably something you did." Sky just gives me a stern look as I opened my mouth. I know I need to control it. I can be quiet harsh.

"But if you want to be mad at someone be mad at the douche who's been telling everyone you're a changeling." What is she going on about. I look at them. Riven is now uncomfortable. "Not actually how I thought you'd screw me today, Bea." I'm disgusted by that. I can see Sky is angry. I'm hurt and angry. Beatrix is just standing there shrugging her shoulders.

"Is that true?" Sky steps forward. I stand up from my spot. "Yeah look if saint Sky is going to start a lecture then I'm out." Bloom takes his arm gently in her hand. "Sky it's okay." Riven turns and walks out the door. "No it's not." Sky follows. I go to walk to but Beatrix gets in my way. "Where you going?"

I just give her a look. "Away from you." I hit her with my shoulder as I walk out. She almost falls over.

Sky's POV

I follow after him. "Seriously? Your running from me ?" He stops and then turns around. "Staying to hear what a shit I am?" This attitude of his is pissing me off. "Yes you are. You've always been but ever since .." He gets all defensive with me.

"Ever since what exactly? Go on I can't wait to hear it." He's pushing and I'll give it to him. "Okay fine. You've upped your dick game a whole new level since you've started shagging Beatrix." He gets closer and right in my face.

"I like Beatrix. She's the only person at this school who likes me as is." I snicker. He did not just say that. I look back at him. "What does that make me or Ava?" He takes a step back. He looks me up and down. "The guy who always thinks his better than me and Ava just wanted a game she could play."

That's when I hear someone I turn around and see Ava a few feet behind me. Shit. She heard it. I can see it in her eyes. That broke her. I see Riven try and look behind me. I turn so he can see.

Ava's POV

The moment those words left his mouth I felt my whole world shatter. I feel like the wind is knocked out of my lungs. He likes Beatrix. He still thinks I played him. Sky turns to me. His eyes are soft. I know he sees the hurt in them.

He turns fully so that Riven can see me as well. My phone starts to beep. I take it out and see it's Stella. I push it into my back pocket. Whip the few tears of my cheeks and start to walk. "Oh don't let my presence stop your talk." Sky looks down as I pass him.

I make sure my shoulder hits Riven. After a few feet I stop. Turn back. See Riven still looking at me. I weight my words then decide against it. I take of in a jog. I hear Riven calling out to me but I ignore it. Push past my limits as I sprint for the school.

I enter Mrs Dowling's office. Aisha opens the foor for me and then close it behind me again. Stella has her hands full of light. Queen Luna smiles at me. I go and stand next to her. "What do you want the light to do?" Mrs Dowling is so calm. "Remember, you control the light. The light doesn't control you."

She's nervous. I get it. Her mother wants progress. With that she makes a rainbow. Smiles at Mrs Dowling. She smiles back. "Beautiful." Queen Luna is not so much impressed. "Please tell me that was a joke." Here we go. Her cruel criticism. "You instructed her to make a rainbow to show her power?" I shift my weight from foot to foot.

"We discussed this at the end of last term. Rehabilitating magic is a process." Stella stares at the ground. I can feel her magic lower. She's hurt with her mother's opinion. "I didn't send my daughter back to Alfea for process. I send her back because you promised to fix her." Queen Luna looks at me. I look het back straight in the eye.

"When she's ready we'll move on to stronger magic. It will take time." Queen Luna looks down and then back at Stella. Stella tries to reason with her mother but she just change our environment for a minute. "You're the fairy of light. You can change what people see and no matter what the world says. Appearances are everything."

Stella is crying softly. "You did excellent work today Stella. You're both dismissed." I nod and take Stella's hand. We walk out the door and look back over to Aisha. Outside I pull her in for a hug. She cries softly on my shoulder.

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