Chapter 4 💡

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I'm up early. The rest of the girls are still fast asleep. I grab some workout clothes. Quickly changing and then I tip toe out of the suite.

 Quickly changing and then I tip toe out of the suite

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I arrive at the far side of our campus. Where the specialists train. My dad already waiting for me. "You're late." I nod my head and put down my earphones and waterbottle. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I didn't get much sleep last night."

He frowns and I just shake my head. He throws me a stick. Let the games begin. We spare for at least a good two to three hours. I see that my watch is reading 8:30 AM. Time to get back to the suite. Get changed and ready for my day. I help clean up the gear used in the session.

"Thanks Dad." He smiles at me and then pulls me into a hug. Drop a kiss on my head. "I love you, Ava." Is smile at him. Pull away. Pick up my earphones and waterbottle. "Love you too, Dad." I take of in a light jog. As I round one corner I run straight into a guy. I almost fall over but he caught me.

It's the same guy Riven bullied last nigh. "Sorry, i should really look where I'm going." He smiles at me and I look down at his hands that are still firm on my hips. He realizes and then pulls away. Blushing. "It's the least I could do after you stood up for me."

I smile at him. Reach back up to pop my earphones in but he stops me. "I'm Dane by the way." I nod my head. Stare at him and then realize that he's probably waiting for my name reveal too. "Ava." With that I pop them back in and run right past him. Not sparing him a second glance.

When I finally reached the suite I see the girls are all awake. I enter and Musa looks at me. I don't take out the earphones in case one of them wants to start a conversation I'm not in the mood of. Terra turns to see me. She mentions for me to remove the earphones. Great, just great.

"Did you come back last night?" I frown at her question. Look down at my outfit and then back at her. "Yeah I did. How the hell did you think I changed?" She looks at me. Staring not taking her eyes off me. "Something wrong, Terra?" She looks back at me again and then shakes her head. "No, no. It's just I can see why guys fall over their feet for you."

This is her insecurity talking now. The poor girl has nothing to be ashamed of. I just wish she could realise that she is perfect the way she is. I give her a sympathetic smile. The other girl from yesterday appears. I think I heard Terra say Aisha ? "Someone wants to take a shower ?" I look at her. She is already in the works of taking a shower.

"Yeah, me." She looks at me. Immediately she recognized me from the night before and at the table. Blank look on her face. "Look I'm sorry I was a bitch last night at the party." She looks down and then nods. Picks up her head and smiles at all of us.

"Yeah, Riven brings out that side of her." Terra nods with her words. I can feel my anger boiling. "That is not true and don't you ever talk about him like that again." They all look at me. Eyes kind of wide. "He's an asshole, Ava." Terra just doesn't know how to drop a subject.

"He may be but that because you don't even know the half of him. You of all people should know what it's like to be judge based on an appearance." Just then Stella decided to make hers. I turn and look at her over my shoulder. She looks well rested.

That's what Sky's arms are for right. "Where's Bloom?" I roll my eyes. Not in the mood for this. I walk to our room and close the door hard. I went out this morning for training and to get things of my mind. Not make them worse. "All makes sure Terra knows that. She could never keep her mouth shut."

Stella walks in. Slams the door. I walk right past her to go take my shower. The water is amazing. It almost makes a better relief than my workout. After I'm done I wrap myself up in a towel. Walk out the bathroom on my way back to the room. "I'm sorry about the things I said about Riven."

Terra's voice sounds desperate. I look over my shoulder snd nod. Close the door behind me just to hear how Musa asks Terra. "Why do you want her approval so much ?" I stand a little. Waiting for the answer but Stella interrupts. "Are you still angry with me ?"

I look at her. A few moments past and I shake my head. She leaps forward and wraps her arms around me in a tight embrace. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I pull away and just smile at her excitement. As I get dressed she tells me about the plan to get her ring back.

The first few classes of the day go by so slow

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The first few classes of the day go by so slow. The not much sleep last night is so getting to me now. I look around and see

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