Season 2 - Chapter 1 ❄️

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Ava's POV

"Ava, I notice you haven't been attending classes these last couple off months." I lean back into the coach as I listen to Rosalind speak. Fiddling with my fingers. "I've been evaluating students over the past month. Not once have you been able to show me your magic." I chuckle but don't look up to meet her eye. "Why is that?" I keep quiet. She walks over to stand in front of me. "Because you haven't been able to access your magic since you've transformed last term." My eyes shoot up to look at her. "What happened?" I stand up to put some distance between us. "Are you going to expel me?" I turn to look at her and notice the deep frown. "Expel you? Why would I want to do that?" I laugh and spin to face her. "I don't have my magic. It's gone. Whatever the burned ones did that night, destroyed my magic." She offers a sympathetic smile. "No, I'm not going to expel you. You have had a lot to deal with."

I immediately know she is referring to my father. "I'm sorry but Saul Silva is being brought to trial at this very moment for his crimes." I turn on my heal and head for the door not caring as she calls out my name. I bump into Beatrix almost knocking her over, but I just need to rush out of there. I wipe some tears away as I run to catch up with Terra, Musa, and Stella. "Where have you been?" Terra can never hide her curiosity. I shake my head. Tuck my hands into my jacket as I fall into step next to Stella. "You were with your new boyfriend, weren't you?" Stella looks taken aback as she kind of wants to bring me to a halt. "New boyfriend? Who?" I just shrug with a little smile on my face. "My secret for now." I can feel how Musa is trying to access my mind. Terra starts to search through her bag for something. "I could've sworn I packed it?"

I look over as she is helplessly trying to find what she lost. "Did you check all the pockets?" I'm a bit confused as to what she is looking for. "I think so, I mean this thing has a lot of pockets." Before she can start to tell us all about the pockets Stella cuts her off. "Less talking more searching." She frowns as she tries to keep the bag open and walk. "Can we just stop for a second?" Stella shakes her head as she is a step or two before us. "It's an apron. If it was in there, we'd see it." Now I'm finally caught up with what is happening. Terra helps her father in the greenhouse to take care of all the new injured specialists. Terra throws her bag over her shoulder. "I left it in the room and now I'm going to be late for my shift in the greenhouse." We stop for like a split second. Long enough for students to pass us and Stella to use her invisibility magic.

Once the students have passed, we continue towards the suite. "It's not that I'm offended you're embarrassed to be seen with us, but maybe you could just give us a warning before you." Terra mimics the action Stella uses to do to access her invisibility magic. "Why would I be embarrassed to be seen with Musa or Ava? I'm just not dressed for school-wide consumption and before you guys jump in, Ava don't you have training with the specialists?" I nod, since my magic has been in hiding, I have spent a lot more time training with the specialists so when Rosalind does kick me out of Alfea fairies I can go to Alfea specialists. Sam joins us but before Musa can invite him to our suite, Stella shuts it down. "You two aren't the only couple anymore."

She looks over to me before continuing, "and we don't know when Ava will finally decide to let us know about the mysterious man in her life." Terra eyes me closely. I shake my head and mention for Musa to go to Sam's room. "I'll see you guys, later." They nod and I take off towards the specialist training. As I'm busy training I notice how Dane and Sky steps into the ring. Andreas has this new rule, we must draw blood for the fight to be over. I haven't spoken to Sky in the last month. We have been avoiding one another. I blame his father for mine and he blames my father for his. I can't help but to take a moment just to observe. Riven is next to Andreas obviously enjoying ever little bit. Dane did end up leaving a nasty cut to his side.

As badly as I want to go over and help him, I'm frozen in my spot. Andreas looks over to me and gives a small smirk before he turns to leave. I clench my jaw tight as I try to control my anger. "Brother dearest still giving you the cold shoulder?" I slowly turn to find Beatrix behind me. "What do you want?" She has a smile on her face. "Message from Rosalind seeing as you so rudely left her office earlier." I roll my eyes and grab y sweater ready to leave. "It's about Silva." I stop in my tracks and turn back to her. "I'm listening?" I feel like my heart is pounding away as the words leave her mouth. I don't wait for her to finish; I grab my stuff and sent a quick text to Stella. We're all sitting together under a big oak tree. "They're sending him to Polaris."

Terra is rubbing my back in a comforting way. "So, Beatrix wasn't lying." Bloom joins us. "The Frozen North? That's like a death sentence." I can feel how everyone is silently hinting for Musa to shut up. "It's happening tomorrow, Andreas is leading the transfer." I shake my head and finally speak up. "We must do something. It's my dad." 

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