22. Nivan, Marcin

617 30 1

Translator: Schiotka

Editor: Pasadera, JacquelineMonaie




4 years earlier.


Get up.

I want to look at you.

Turn around and show me your back. Just like that.

You have a good ass....

Take your pants off... slowly. We don't need to rush.

And now your boxers.

Don't look at me. I didn't give you permission.

Good boy.

Sit on the bed. Make yourself comfortable, lean back and spread your legs.

Wider, wider, don't be so shy.

Like that, oh yeah... now you look like a real whore. Don't look at me like that, I'm telling the truth.

And now touch your cock. Stroke it.

Make yourself feel good. Like that...

Look, you're hard already.

Leave it. Slide your fingers lower, touch your cheeks.


Stroke your puckered opening. Imagine me entering you.

How I fill you, tear you.

Mmm... you look sexy, making that face. Now put one finger in. Yes, lick it and put it in.

Deeper. Think about me....

Think about how I'm fucking you.

How deep in you I am....

Tell me how much you want me, beg me to fuck you.

"Fuck me, now... please..."


The redheaded man sat comfortably in an armchair with his legs spread apart. He smiled triumphantly. Hideously.

Observing the effect of his own words.

He looked at the naked, slender boy. Hot and thirsty. Touching himself with shaking fingers. With parted, chapped lips and shameless eyes fixed on him.

Begging for his attention. For a moment of pleasure.


He had power over him.

Total, absolute control.

As he did over everyone. Over everything.


He often felt like the master of the world. Reigning supreme over the lives of all others.

He could do anything. He lacked nothing. He had charisma and a magnetic, exotic beauty.

Strength and skill. Money.

But these qualities weren't important to him. Physical appearance was only a helpful factor supporting the functioning of his mind, the power he carried inside himself. A man with an exceptional memory and unchallenged skills in mnemonics. A scientific mind, capable of loving only the indifferent, mechanical language of mathematics, of numbers. Of computers.

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