23. Nivan

845 34 7

Translator: Schiotka

Editor: Pasadera, JacquelineMonaie



11 years old.

"I don't know what to do anymore. He doesn't want to talk to me, he doesn't leave his room and he's beaten up pretty badly..."

"Relax, he's fine. Fights are the norm in young boys' lives. Stay here, I'll try to talk to him."

The older man smiled at the small, worried woman. He set his teacup down on the table and left the kitchen.

Slowly he ascended the stairs.

He knocked on the first door on the left, gently pressing his ear to the wood.

"Niv, it's me. Will you open the door please?" he asked calmly, his voice low.

He waited patiently. Finally he heard the click of the lock.

Standing in the doorway was a short, eleven-year-old Nivan. With messy black hair that reached his shoulders. With a black eye and a few scratches.

With a haughty but sad face.

"Can I come in?" the man asked.

Nivan gave a slight nod with his head.

The man closed the door and sat on the bed.

"Mom is worried about you. Why don't you want to talk to her?" he asked evenly.

Nivan jumped up to sit on the windowsill. He was silent.

"You won't escape what you did by being silent and hiding," the man continued.

"I'm not hiding. I just don't want to talk about it. It's my business."

"No, it's not yours alone. You beat up your friend, and badly at that. Even though we had an agreement..."

"He was making fun out of me."

"That's not an excuse..."

"He said I look like a girl!"

"Your mom told you to go to the hairdresser..."

"He said that I probably fight like a girl too!" yelled Nivan "So I showed him..."

The man, despite his best efforts to restrain himself, laughed.

"In that case, I hope he at least changed his mind."

"I don't know, maybe..." Nivan smiled shyly.

"I don't think he'll tease you again." the man laughed again. "But don't tell your parents. Tell them I scolded you, otherwise we'll both be in trouble. But on the serious side, Nivan, the skills I teach you are to enable you to protect your loved ones and yourself, when you are in danger. Stupid friends itching for a fight don't fall into that category. You took an oath before you took your exams, remember... "

"I know grandpa... but sometimes - "

"If you aren't able to control your anger, then your father will get really angry and won't let us practice. And we're too close to the line already," the man interrupted.

"With my dad I'm always too close to the line, no matter what I do," Niv huffed.

"You know perfectly well that's not the case."

"I'll never be the son he wants me to be. I'll never be like my brother."

"No one wants you to be like him."

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