11. Nivan

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Translator: Schiotka

Editor: Pasadera, JacquelineMonaie


"You don't love him anyway."

Nivan scraped the words out with a fork whenever they sat together at the table.

"You don't love him anyway."

They hung above his head as they walked together to class.

"You don't love him anyway."

They echoed when he pressed his head to his pillow.

When he said those words that evening, Marcin had no idea that a few hours earlier Nivan had broken up with Jim.

No one knew.

No one needed to know yet.

Especially him. Marcin.

Because the Redhead needed a moment alone, and his nonexistent relationship was a barrier which blocked Marcin out.

He was his own barrier, too.

Now it would be so easy to reach out and sate his needs.

But he didn't want that. Because it would mean only sex. Nothing more.

At least, that was what he thought.


After that evening, the flat became extremely quiet.

Firka looked at them, confused, wondering what could have happened between them. She tried to make conversation.

The Redhead responded in clipped, terse sentences. Marcin stared dumbly at his plate.

She was out of options.

Stubborn morons, she thought and left the kitchen, leaving them alone.

The Redhead left straight after her.


Marcin took off his muddy shoes. Not in his usual clumsy way, kicking them off at the door while standing. He bent down to unlace them, holding onto the wall with his free hand. Drops of water fell from his face, his hair soaked by the rain.

He heard his approaching footsteps.

He looked up. Into green eyes, that weren't as warm as usual.

He swallowed. He let his gaze fall.

He wanted to believe he'd imagined it.

The Redhead took his jacket from its hook. Pulling the hood over his head, he left the flat.

Marcin froze, crouching over his shoes.

He wanted to believe he'd imagined it.

"I know what you've been doing."


Marcin didn't come to his bed again.

The Redhead was amused by that.

Because what was it supposed to mean? Some sort of pathetic, feigned morality?

One day he's screwing him over with his "feelings", then the next he goes to fuck someone else.

Funny little Marcin.


Yes, he was angry at him.

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