Chapter 3

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George's POV:

I guess our perfect day wasn't so perfect after all. God I always fuck things up. Why am I crying? I need to stop crying this is so stupid. I can feel Clay looking at me, after answers that I wasn't quite ready to give, but I've dragged him into this the least he deserves are some fucking answers.

"My dad- he... he hurt you, Clay. He hurt you and I tried to stop him, but I was- I am too weak to take him on and protect my own boyfriend. He kept kicking you and screaming, 'that's what you deserve you faggot.' He said to me, 'if you think this is bad, find out what will happen to you next.' I felt like I was there for an eternity, couldn't wake up... I couldn't save you..."

Clay hugged me tighter, "I don't expect you to save me my love, your dad will never hurt me, and if he ever dares hurt you again, he... it doesn't even matter because it won't happen."

I smiled and put my face into his chest.

"Are you hiding Georgie?" Clay giggled as he watched me turn red.

"Maybe..." Giggling too, as he wrapped his arms around my whole body, kissing me all over my face.

"Ok sweetie, make sure you're ready, I will get dressed and we will head to the coast."

-Time Skip-

Clay's POV:

We were driving to the coast, roof of my car down, winding breezing through our hair. George held my hand tightly as he hummed to the music playing on the radio. So adorable, I thought. The different tones of red and orange from the sunset, sitting on his skin, he just looked, perfect.

We arrive to our spot in the coast, our secret space. Somewhere we can come and forget about everything for a while, just us, no one else and nothing else matters. We set up our bonfire at the cliff, setting down a blanket so we could enjoy the sunset and each other's company. George cuddled up in my arms, me stroking my hand through his hair, sharing quick kisses and smiles occasionally, God this is just perfect.

"Babe, I'm cold." he looks up at me with those eyes, damn I could stare into them all day, so dark like they hold the whole future in them. But I knew exactly what he wanted. I took off my hoodie and put it on him, (a/n of course he fucking did) it was like a dress, but he loved it that way, and so did I.

We watched the sunset for another 20 minutes or so before I tapped George's shoulder. Before he could even turn around to face me, my lips were tightly sealed against his, my hand cupped on the side of his face. I stopped to take a breathe and looked him dead in the eyes, 'I love you, George.'

George's POV:

I felt my heart racing after he told me he loved me. It's not like we haven't said it before, but each time is just like the first all over again. With no second thought I went in for the second kiss, passionately kissing him like I had never before. "I love you too Mr Dreamy" I say mid kiss.

He lifts me into his lap, we never lose the connection of our lips. I push him onto his back and lay on top of him, moving my lips to his neck. He lays there stroking my hair and chuckling "that tickles" he says in a low, masculine voice, giggling a bit. "But you like it?" I ask back lifting my head up. He smiles, "How could I not?" He flips us over and starts kissing me the same way. I laugh, "you will crush me if you carry on like that." "You wouldn't mind though" he smirks.

Clay's POV:

By the time we finish, the sun had set, and the night sky was full of blue and purple tones, and infinite numbers of stars. We watched the stars for a while before deciding it was a good time to head home.

George falls asleep in the car, I keep my hand on his thigh so he knows he is safe, and he can rest. The poor boy, it feels like he doesn't have a break, between his dad being a dick to having these awful dreams and thoughts. I just hope I can at least help, maybe distract him for the weekend before his life goes back to the same bullshit on Monday.

We get home, George was still sound asleep. I decide to carry him in, I didn't want to wake him. I walk through the front door, my mom comes to greet us, but she sees George is asleep.

"I'll leave him be, have a good night sweetie" she says smiling and walking back to the living room.

I carefully carry George upstairs and place him on my bed, I take of his shoes and hoodie. I notice the scars on his arms, the faint pale lines going across his wrists. He told me about this before, he was 14 when he started, he said he had stopped since, but the heartbreak I feel when I see them is so real. What has he done to deserve this?

I kiss each of his wrists, and then his lips. I tuck him in and leave the room, I keep the door open a tad so I can hear if anything happens.

"Hey Charlie!" I walk into her room, just to check she is okay and that he had a somewhat decent day at school.

"Hey Clay, everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just checking you're okay, how was school?"

"It was alright, boring as usual. Did you enjoy the beach?"

I think back to when me and George exchanged those kisses... just think about it makes me...

"Yeah, it was fun, George fell asleep on the way back, so I brought him to bed."

"Aww that's cute. Well, you should get back to him, he is probably missing you in his sleep." She smiles.

"Have a good night, you know where I am if you need anything" I say closing the door behind me.

I get back to my room, change into some pyjama bottoms and crawl into bed with George. I wrap my arms around him and not long after I fall asleep.


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