Chapter 9

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⚠️TW: Some injury detail⚠️
Clays POV:

Soon after, the paramedics and police arrived. This brought me back to the events that happened just a couple of days ago. The fact he still had bruises and cuts from that was heart breaking.

I went outside with the police to explain what has happened over the last few days, that lead up to this unexpected turn of events. I explained what I knew to the best of my ability, but I just wanted to get back to George.

Tears run down my cheeks as I had to replay the events in my head, the fact I could have done more killed me. I should have been the one hit with the bottle. And neither of us should be experiencing this now. I can't bear to see George so pale and lifeless, no matter how selfish that makes me. And the fact George is going through so much pain right now, and he felt that his only option was to cut is way through, I feel so helpless and broken.

After 10 minutes of talking with the police I was able to get back to George. I sat by his side holding his leg and rubbing circles around his thigh with my thumb. He had an IV in his arm, the fluid was a mixture of antibiotics for the infected wounds and aspirin to help with the headache he was bound to wake up with.

The paramedics explained that they would have to take George into hospital because of the infection, and it's severity, but he should be back by 9-10 pm this evening. They would wait for George to wake up before they moved him to the ambulance.

George's POV:
I wake up to a sledge hammer being pounded into the side of my head, or so I thought. The lights were so bright, too bright for comfort, I was in a deep cold sweat, I felt awful.

I slowly started hearing people talking around me, it was too loud but I was almost choking on my words, I couldn't speak because my throat was so dry.

I grasp the side of my head and sit up a little, to my delight I see Clay. He looked so worried bless him. As I adjusted my eyes I saw more people, the school nurse, paramedics and police..? Had I done something wrong? Had Clay done something wrong?

Clay was sat there with a slight smile on his face, but the glint of worry was still in his eyes. I smiled, took his hand that was on my thigh and kissed it. I held it close afterwards, it made me feel safe and I hoped it made him feel better too.

When I came around a bit more, the paramedics started talking to me and telling me what happened and what they were going to do. They explained that the infected wounds on my arms were more severe than they looked, so I would have to go to hospital for stronger antibiotics. And they mentioned the bruises on my eyes, and how I would have to ice them. It was then I realised that Clay had seen it all.

The colour in my face drained straight away. I lied to him. I hurt him. He is always there for me I know that, but I still hurt him by not telling him about my issues.

'Clay, I'm so sorry, I should have told you about all of this, but hiding it just seemed easier, I didn't want to worry you..'

'I know Georgie, it's ok, we will get through this together.'

Clay stood up and helped me off the bed. He hugged me and I buried my face in his chest, it was so comforting and warm. When we broke off from the hug, he took my hand and locked it tightly in his.

We walked down the hall and were greeted with the police outside, they stepped outside after I woke up, just to make some more room in the nurses office.

'George, did your father do this to you?' The police officer gestures at my 2 black eyes.

'Y-yes he did..'

'We are going to your address to arrest him on the charges of child abuse and neglecting a child, is there anything else he has done that will help your case, of course that's if you want there to be a higher chance he will go to prison.'

'Umm..' I was debating telling them everything in my head, I looked to Clay for support, he smiled and whispered in my ear, 'no matter what you choose, I will support you.'

I smiled and turned back to the officers. 'Actually yes, there are a few other things that happened.'

'Can we ask for a detailed account please, if you aren't ready yet we can always come to the hospital or your home address later.' I nod and tell them everything that happened on Saturday.

'Do you have any evidence of this happening.'

'It will be in my hospital records, I also still have the stitches in the back of my head and the bruises on the stomach and chest area.'

'Would you be happy for us to take photos of your injuries, it may sound weird but it would help the case a lot. We can go back into school and find a private area to do so.'

'Yes that's fine.'

We walk back to the nurses office and the police are finished taking the photos after 5 minutes. I am really tired at this point and I just want to get to the hospital and get this over with.

-Time lapse-

We have been at the hospital for 3 hours now. It's 7pm. The nurse told me I could go home in just over an hour, as soon as I finish the medication.

Me and Clay have our own room with a bed and a big comfy chair, we both decided to sit on the chair, I'm in Clays lap.

I cuddle my head into his chest as he strokes his hand through my hair. The medication is making me feel sleepy so he can't stop telling me how cute I look, although I disagree.

I was just about to fall asleep, when Clay started speaking.


'Yes baby?' I yawn.

'Sorry I didn't know you were sleeping, we can talk later if you like.'

'No, it's ok I wanna try stay awake, what's up?'

'George, why didn't you tell me about your dad doing this, or why you felt you needed to cut again? You know I would have been more than happy to help and support you.'

'I- I honestly don't know.. Cutting and hiding everything just seemed easier at the time. You're such an amazing boyfriend and you have done so much for me, I-, I just don't understand why I am like this, I'm such a coward and quite frankly a shit partner..' Tears are running down my face and onto Clays shirt.

Clay wipes away my tears, 'Sweetie don't cry, you're and amazing boyfriend, I could never imagine being with anyone else. I just want you to know you need to come to me before things get this bad, and I can at least try and help, or get you the help you may need. Always remember I love you baby.' He kisses my forehead and hugs me tight.

'I love you more,' I giggle and settle into his arms.

'Anyway, would you like to come back to my house tonight, or do you want to go home? Either way I am staying with you, if it gets me a couple of days off school too.' He laughs. 'Also your dad should be gone by now, but you are still more than welcome at my place.'

'Hmm, can we go back to mine, it may not be much but I just want to be in my own room.'

'Of course baby, we should be out of here soon.'

1453 words

Sorry about the infrequent updates, school has been busy this week! I am planning on writing 6 more chapters of this book, however I plan on making this book a sequel with maybe 2 more books after this! This weekend I am going to try a new write the last 6 chapters of this book and then post them throughout the week, maybe a chapter a day. Also I apologise for this chapter not being as exiting as I planned, I literally had writers block and I couldn't think of what to put (:p)
On a that note I hope you enjoy your weekend and stay safe!

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