Chapter 14

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3rd person POV:
There were still the hard days, he was still in pain and the nightmares hadn't completely gone away yet, they happened a lot less, and he didn't have a panic attack after each one, but they were still scary.

They were about the same thing, but they ended different each time. Michael escaped from prison and came looking for George, Clay and their family. They had a little girl called Delilah and a golden retriever called Monty. They lived in a nice large house, plenty of money to get by, they were doing really well. Michael would find their house each time and just walk right in each time. George would alway forget to lock the doors in his dream. Sometimes, Michael would abuse George, just like 'the good old days'. Sometimes, he would hurt Delilah. Sometimes, he would hurt Clay, or Monty, even all 4 of them. Sometimes, he would trash the house. Sometimes, he would steel their car, or some money. But every time, something would happen to hurt them, and George would wake up scared.

The only thing that kept him going was Clay, and his birthday of course. George never liked his birthday before he met Clay. Nothing special would happen, he did nothing to celebrate, so it just felt like any other day to George. But that all changed after him and Clay met. He would always make such a big fuss. Giving him so much attention, and making sure his day was perfect. This year he was especially happy he could spend the day with Clay, with no worries or troubles, it would be perfect.

~Time lapse~

Clays POV:

I was so nervous, today was the day of George's party, but more importantly, his birthday in general. This day of the year was always so important to me, it had to be nothing less than perfect. I would always spend at least 2 weeks planning the event. I ordered and wrapped presents about a month prior. Some would say this is a little over the top, but I never thought so, all of it made George happy, which made it all worth it.

I made sure to wake up early so I could make a start on breakfast. I made croissants every year. My mum taught me the recipe and I perfected it by time I had met George. He always told me it was his favourite breakfast.

I made the croissants, fruit salad and added some yogurt, spreads and sauces to the table. It was exactly as I wanted it. As soon as the croissants came out of the oven, George come down stairs, he was half asleep but I was convinced the smell of the golden brown pastry's peeled him off the bed.

I plated them up and took them out to the table, where George slouched in his chair sleepily. He soon woke up to the sight of me, well.. the pastry's. He plastered the biggest smile on his face as I put the pastry's on the table. He jumped up and hugged me tight, kissing me all over my face.

'Thank you so much Clay, you make me the happiest man ever,' he whispered into my ear.

I laughed back, 'I only made you croissants sweetie, I haven't proposed or anything. But if this makes you happy, then it doesn't matter. And happy birthday by the way!'

He giggles and we sit down, soon tucking into our breakfast. George smiled through the whole thing, he couldn't stop thanking me and telling me how good the croissants were.

The rest of the day went quickly, each hour I grew more anxious for the evening. The boys had already set everything up and were just waiting for our text of 'we are on our way!'

We had it planned perfectly. We would go to a near by flower field, there are a few picnic benches there. The boys hung light decorations off a big oak tree, and laid table clothes on the picnic benches. They had spent all day yesterday making food and preparing a music playlist for the event. I couldn't be more grateful for their help.

Getting George up and ready was difficult, he kept asking questions that I of course refused to answer. But eventually he showered and got ready, he looked amazing!

Finally we set off to the flower field, i put a blind fold on George so he couldn't see where we were going. When we arrived I quickly text everyone that we were heading up to the spot. I helped George out of the car and up to the spot, he still had his blindfold on and everyone was silent.

'Ok George, take off your blindfold.' I said, I was so exited!

He slowly took off the blindfold and gasped at the sight, everyone standing on top of a small hill, warm fairy lights and streamers hanging from a big oak tree, the tables laid perfectly. It couldn't have gone better.

'Oh my- uh- WHAT?!' He turned around to face me, his mouth agape and eyes wide. I giggle as he turns around to face everyone.

'Did you do all of this for me?!' He asks everyone confused, but happily. We all nod and I bring him into a warm embrace.

'Happy 18th George!' I say releasing him from the hug.

He smiles and turns around, we walk over to the group and they give George presents and many birthday wishes.

The rest of the night was spent laughing, eating, listening to music and making memories. I haven't seen George this happy in a long time, he seemed so genuine and content, I was happy we could all make him feel this way.

We all parted ways about 1am, we had to take down the decorations first which was.. fun. We soon finished though, as soon as we got home, I texted everyone to thank them for their help, I did really appreciate it.

Me and George didn't waste any time when we got home, we changed into pyjamas and went to bed. We snuggled close together, giving kisses now and then, until eventually sleep took over. It was peaceful and relaxing laying in George's arms, I couldn't have asked for a better day.

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I am so sorry for the awful chapter, I was expecting to write more about the party but I literally couldn't think. HOWEVER, please trust me when I say the next chapter will be better. It will be the end and I have a huge plot twist and a slight cliff hanger planned. You may be able to see why I haven't gone into too much detail in some chapters, it will all make sense. I am working hard on planning that chapter and more books for the further so bare with me! Please remember to look after yourselves, eat and stay hydrated, get some sleep if your tired and remember you are loved!!
Until the next one!

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