Zombie Apocalypes- The Battle

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P. S.: all of this is based on world war Z
This is much nicer when read landscape because I made this landscape
The Chapter 3

Everyday was a normal day in the cabin except for the zombies. We found this cabin with soldiers and survivors we found earlier. So there was almost thirty-six persons, they all agreed because that exact plan was the plan of the government. They should find a cure while finding survivors and they should protect them until they get to the submarine going to the Phillipines. We didn't want to leave so we didn't go with them but Jonathan said he will go.
" Why will you leave us?" We said angrily.
" I promise I will come back and fight plus I will search for Julia" he said, Julia is his girlfriend. So they just nodded.
" Good bye" Jonathan said along with some soldiers and survivors.

" Now what would we do?" The commander asked.
" First, I need a cellphone, a map, and a gun. Then, we should pack our things." John commanded.
" Yes sir!" The soldiers said.
" Sir! Here's the phone" the lieutenant said.
John just knew what he would do, he called the hotline the soldier gave him.
" Hello what is the problem" the operator said.
" Where is the nearest laboratory here in my location"
" Sir! The nearest laboratory is a hundred miles away, it is the only active laboratory nearest to you" he said.
" What is the exact location of the laboratory?"
" It is in Texas sir!"
Then I ended the phone. We immediately started the battle against the odds. We took the journey following as what the map says. The soldiers led us to a nearby base. It was only a city protected by a wall. The good thing is that it is nearby an active airport which we could use in going to Texas.
" What now?" Mark said who was tired from the long walk.
" How about let's rest for an hour" John said who was also exhausted.
" Yeah!" We all said happily .

We rested the night. John was still curious about his brother leaving, he explained all but why. A knock interrupted his rest.
" Are you still awake?" Thankfully it was Mary. Sorry to say this but I have a little crush on her. I still hope that she also loves me.
" Yeah"
" Could I sleep in there? I am so scared." What! Did she really said that? Good thing the door is hiding me because I was really blushing.
" Okay!" Then she opened the door.
" Sorry I was having a nightmare"
" Nah! It's okay"
" Mark was asleep, I can't just knock into other's doors"
" Okay I'll just sleep on the floor..."
" It's okay to sleep here in the bed, we will just divide this."
Mary was also in the felling. She was so irritated that the only room left was John's. She has also have a crush on John. The most good thing is that it is still a secret. But still the nightmare is real, not fake.
" Okay." John said.
I just sighed.

John didn't sleep well especially when "somebody" is sleeping near you. They ended up face-to-face hugging which Mary thought was a comfortable pillow.
" Sorry" John said
" It's okay" she said trying to end the conversation.
They both got outside at the same time as Mark also.
" What happened!?" He said shocked which was surprising because he never bothered us.
" Her dignity is still intact" it was the only thing he thought.
Mary knew what it meant.
" What!!!" She shouted.
Both of them stared at her surprisingly shocked but still laugh.
" Lol, I just said the truth." John said still laughing.
With anger, I punched him in the arm and quickly stomped away. The sun was brightly awake and so are the people. Some are happy while others are sad. The place was very crowded with people. A group of people began singing a song which was their anthem or whatev's and more and more people began joining them. Groans became louder until zombies had breached the main gate and for which I know, zombies are a little blind and commonly rely on smelling and hearing. Screams broke out and gunshots were heard. We followed the people to the airport and because of panicking I completely forgot that John and I, we're holding hands. Zombies came falling down from the building above many people were bitten while people who weren't bitten is trying to run for their lives. It was like an action movie or a zombie movie but what makes it more scary is that it is real. Flights immediately took of the good thing was that we still got a flight by blocking the plane's runway. I processed it all in an intense killing minute with human eating zombies. We're just comforting each other especially John who was now much worried about his brother Jonathan. We are now heading for Texas. But screams were heard from the other part of the plane and when a soldier peeked behind the curtain and suddenly fainted with shock. What was it?
Wait for the next chapter: The Evolution.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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