Keep friends close, Enemies closer - Square x Blixer

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Requested by @Pricklythepearcat

[part 1]

Pink and blue blurs clashed and dashed. The evil, and the good. Fighting.
The blue hero, also known as Square, stared intently at his opponent, not letting his guard down for one second. The icy breeze blowing at his bright blue hair and his cape that waved frantically in anticipation. Despite his small form, he tried making himself look bigger, his chest puffed out a little as his breaths were short and shallow, like a dog panting, while he clenched his fists, knuckles turning white. All his eyes could see was the black void for a sky and huge thunder clouds, nearly as dark as the void. Every few seconds, lighting struck down furiously, flashing a bright light that let the hero see his enemy.

The pink king, also known as Blixer King Fresh, glared at the little, blue prey, a wide smirk present on his face. The lightning bolts made a wave of excitement flood over him, his chains hanging from his trousers clanking together rhythmically. It was obvious that the king had no trouble terrorising any threat, or rather annoyance. His large build made him easily distinguishable, plus his aggressive pink colour. Despite his irritating smirk, behind it he was a bit worn out. Underestimating the little hero was a mistake. All his eyes could see was the dark, beautiful sky and the huge thunder clouds, just as beautiful as his recreation of the sky. Every few seconds, lightning struck down elegantly, flashing a bright light that let the pink king see his prey.
A deafening silence enwrapped itself around the two as their eyes were held in a long stare. In a swift motion, the self proclaimed king swung at the hero. The blue boy dodged just barely, dashing to the other corner of the tower. Sweating bullets, he never let his guard down. He knew what would happen if he did. A pink, almost red, blur rushed towards the blue hero. Frantically, the hero tried to move out of the villain's way. Too late.

Kicking and punching, the smaller male struggled under the larger male's grasp. Large pink hands tightened their grip ever so slightly on the delicate blue ones. Tears threatened to fall down the little hero's face as his arms felt like they were in contact with hot, raging fire. That's the effect some colours could have on others when they are angered. Narrow, pink eyes stared him down. Like a hawk preying on a mouse.

Chuckling darkly, the king proudly smirked at his catch. He thought of all the ways he could torture the hero. Rip his limbs off, one by one. Or slowly expose him to pink energy. Perhaps feed him to the sharks of the sea. While the smaller shape struggled to escape, the pink king shifted so more weight was put on the blue shape, making sure he doesn't go away. He squirmed, furrowing his eyebrows and snarling, his face painted in a dark hue of blue. Despite this being the king's enemy, the pink shape couldn't help but notice how... oddly cute the square guardian looked. Square had a small figure, but didn't look like a kid really. Kind of like he had dwarfism. Though this didn't stop the pink shape from calling him 'kid' or 'little boy', just to spite the smaller shape.

Unknowingly to the larger shape, Square realised that Blixer was staring at him weirdly, while a light pink colour dusted his cheeks. The gaze, which was more threatening and predatory before, looked to be more... amazed? Awed? Loving- No! That couldn't be right! They're enemies after all. Good against evil! The king couldn't possibly be looking at him lovingly-

"Do you know what my shirt is made of? It's made of boyfriend material." Shamelessly, the king winked, the biggest grin possible was forming on his face, as if he was a kid looking at a huge lollipop that they were rewarded.
Meanwhile Square suddenly stopped struggling. His eyes trailed up to the stronger shape, confusion written all over his face. 'Did he just... flirt with me????' The beating of his heart filled his ears as he felt his face warm up.

"I'd say Sunny Bless you, but it seems he already did." A small blush formed on both of the shapes' faces as the king felt like he achieved the greatest thing in the world.
A million thoughts raced through the the hero's mind as his heart beat faster and faster. Sweaty palms tried to clutch onto something, despite knowing there is nothing. In a heap of panic, Square dashed away. But as soon as he landed, he lost his footing.

Tumbling down, Square could see his salty tears flouting up. A pink, panicking shape was staring down at him, eyes as wide as saucers. The hero's hair flailed frantically. His cape whooshed and panicked with the hair.


Staring in horror, the self-proclaimed King watched as the blue hero's body was engulfed by the pink liquid of the water. Biting his lip, he quickly made a plan on what to do.
"WHAT THE-!?!"
The hero jolted up. His legs tucked to his chest, quivering. His arms protectively hugged them closer. 'What is going on?' Square asked himself, looking around the strange room he was in. Pink. Lots of it. Darker shades of pink were seen, and so were lighter pinks. But that was just about it.

'Why is there so much pink-? HOLY-?! IS THAT TYRANT KEEPING ME PRisoner-? Wait, that can't be right, this room looks too... nice to be a prison or dungeon...' more thoughts circled the hero's mind. He furrowed his brows, his eyes carefully examining the room once more.



Imma just at least get this part one out

-I said a couple years ago but never did, stupid hoe

I read this now and omfg the "flirting" is horrendous. Yes it's from google, I have no game okay 😭😭

I should be revising for GCSEs but nahhhh I'm here instead :)))

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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