Stress sibs

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Plixer's POV
It was pretty damn late. Not late late, but definitely not early. I sighed as I set the empty cup down on my desk, wiping off the wet remains that lingered around my mouth. Silence surrounded me. Not even my thoughts had anything to say. Closing my eyes, I decided to enjoy the peace and quiet that engulfed me, leaning back on my chair.
So quiet.
Only the gust of wind could be heard, along with the odd few cars that zoomed past the house.
Is that crying?
Confusion riddled my face as I looked at my door that led to the hallway outside. Listening... that's definitely crying. My tired eyes glanced at my phone as I checked to time.
The crying can only belong to Nic. Since they are the only one's here. Plus, I'm no believer of ghosts- scratch that, Ghosty and Scarfie do exist, but why would they come here to cry? It must be Nic.
Spinning my chair lightly so it faced my door, I stood up and grabbed the cold metallic handle. Another sigh escaped my lips as I turned the handle and walked down the hall to reach Nic's room. The floorboard cried underneath me as I stepped on them. God, they're annoying. Once reaching my destination, I knocked on the wooden door and waited. A few seconds passed before I heard a weak 'yeah?'. Taking that as permission to enter, I did so.
All around the room were plushies that stared into my soul. I ignored them, and focused on the bundle of sadness that wrapped itself up in blankets, sitting on their bed. The sad looked up, their puffy eyes were noticeable, and I could clearly see that they could not see my clearly. For numerous reasons. Inhale. Exhale. I walked up to Nic's bed, sitting next to them. As soon as I did so, they leaned on my shoulder, muttering something about 'fudge nuggets' and how they 'should have kept it together'. I wrapped my arm around them- well, the soft blankets that wrapped Nic.
"What's wrong?" I said firmly, sounding like a dad who knew their child did something wrong, but still wanted them to admit it themselves.
"The requestssss..." Nic whispered. Dramatically extending out the 's' for seemingly no reason except for them being tired.
Rubbing their side (honestly more of the blankets), I continued inquiring, "what about them?"
"It's taking too long-!" Nic cried out, tears falling down their cheeks. "I'm going to disappoint everyone..." they buried their head into the blanket cocoon.
"Nic," they turned their head to me, "just take your d@mn time, okay. Don't stress yourself out over this. When you get them done, you get them done. No point in worrying yourself about something, because then you'll want to do it less; so just complete the requests when you feel happy and good or inspired to do so." I explained, I moved my hand to now pet their puffy, messy hair. To this they smiled, seemingly calming down.
"Thanks, bro bro." Nic whispered with a smile.
"You're welcome, Little Mx Stressed." I whispered back, standing up and heading to my room.

494 words
Sorry guys that I'm barely ever posting. School sucks the energy out of me and basically makes me lose brain cells.
This thing was basically just for me to comfort myself because I'm a sad potato.

I will update and post chapters and one shots, but don't expect that much from me because I'm stressed, busy and I barely have any idea what I'm doing—

Ojay then, rant over, byeee lovelies!

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