Close to Me - Parent!Cube x Child!Jace x Child!Rianne x Child!Arlo x Purple

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(Requested by AlexOC2219
Jace, Rianne, Arlo and Purple are their ocs!)
(This is more of a parent and child love, obviously. No pedophilia, that's nasty 😷 and Purple is a babysitter UwU))


During the corruption, it was extremely hard to not get split up. And this got Purple worried sick. Despite their carefreeness, they cared a lot about the three little children they had to babysit. Jace, Rianne and Arlo.
The trio of nine-year-olds only had a father as their mother had died in a car crash when they were still small babies.
"Square! Do you know where Cube is?" Purple asked the fellow blue guardian.
He concentrated hard... "I'm not sure, sorry"
Arlo piped up, "I'm sure we'll find papa soon! Maybe we can go with them! Then we find papa and be happy!!"
"Oo~ yes yes yes!" Squeaked Gold.
And do they set off.
~later when they get into the factory~
There were many dangerous areas in the factory, obviously not designed to be kid friendly. And after beating level voids and avoiding being shredded to pieces, the group of shapes found Cube.
One problem, he was being picked up by a giant claw to somewhere. Hello had tried to loosen the grips but she wasn't strong enough.
Cube was placed down and above him was a corrupted Treeangle piece.
Arlo tried to run to help their father but he was too late because the corrupted triangle of energy dripped and corrupted Cube.
Time stopped as the group stared at the new boss void.

Close to Me.

As the five guardians, Penny, Cir, Gold, Square and Purple entered the void, Purple gave one lad look at the three kids, giving them a look that said "stay right where you are". And with that, the guardians disappeared, and so did Cube. But, the void did not close, like all the other times that they did when the Guardians entered.
Seeing this, Arlo said, "come on! We could help them!"
"Sure! I don't see why not! As long as it's not too much work!" Have replied, giggling a little.
"But d-didn't Purple kinda s-day we need to s-stay here..?" The shy Rianne questioned her siblings.
"Oh come on! Technically, they didn't say it, out loud! So we have no proper way of knowing what he meant!" Jace answered.
Rianne thought about it. "F-fine! But if we g-get in t-trouble, it's y-your fault!" She said, pointing her finger at them and pouted.
"Well then, let's go!" Shouted the other two.
Rianne looked to see if Heli was looking, which she wasn't due to her panicking, then Rianne motioned her siblings to move on.

They jumped in.

The trio looked around for a second and instantly were tackled by a blur of purple, and taken out of the way of pink.
"What are you doing?!" They heard a loud voice shout at them. It was Purple.
"W-we.. erm I- we-!" Rianne tried to explain, but almost in an instant, a large pink claw grabbed her as well as Jace and Arlo.
The trio screamed in fear as they were pulled away from Purple and towards..
"Papa?!" The three squeaked in shock.
Cube, or now Cubic, looked at his children, his face showing a kind of emotion of sadness and relief. He held them close to him.
As Square tried to grab Arlo, Cubic swung one of his claws and sent Square flying to the other side of the void.
~one CTM, Final boss, annihilate, and till it's over later~

The wretched pink demon was defeated and everything was restored back to normal. Cube gave his three children a HUGE bear hug. "Oh gosh! I hope you three are okay!! Why were you in the void?! Did I hurt you??" Cube bombarded them with questions as he placed them all down.

"H-hey! That was crazy, erm.. all of it I m-mean!" Square said to Purple, but avoided eye contact.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah." Purple replied, calmly, but also avoided eye contact.

"THEN COMES THE TOASTER IN The baby- erm I mean then comes the baby!!" Jace screamed out, pretty embarrassed.
But his embarrassment was nothing compared to the embarrassment of the two blushing messes, Square and Purple.

The story is 716 words long

Hope this is acceptable! ^^ I don't know why this took me FOREVER.
I really am not a full time writer Q^Q sorry-

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