{"You don't bite,You kill..."}

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I can't sleep last night cuz i keep thinking what to write tsjgssjhssb
Enjoy reading!


"Oya oya~ look who i found after searching for one week"a certain brunette said alarming (Y/n) that someone found her and immediately snapped her head towards the owner of the voice but the moment she made eye contact with the owner of the voice,she felt the world stop as the wind blows harder than before like it was pushing her towards the man,those eyes held the exact amount of pain and sorrow that she's been hiding with her in the shadows but she knows what exactly the man wants so she starts backing away (BACK🤺OFF🤺I🤺SAID🤺BACK 🤺OFF-) ,"You....found me..." (Y/n) said a little bit worried to how the man found her(*cries in Anohana*)

"Woah you don't have to be scared of me,i don't bite" the man said trying to calm (Y/n),"Yeah you don't bite,you kill and who on earth are you anyway?,are you from the Port Mafia or what?!",(Y/n) being in her period suddenly had mood swings,the man sweat dropped in her first statement and her sudden moodswings,"first of all yeah i kill but I'm not here to kill you,Second I am Dazai Osamu the youngest executive of the Port Mafia,Third yes I'm from the Port Mafia and lastly the reason i am here is to recruit",(Y/n) was quite disappointed because she thought he was cosplaying a certain anime character and was about to ask for the sauce especially because of those bandages,ofcourse every ability users has something wrong with their mind and the thing that is wrong with her mind is just she's the hardcore version of the hardcore loyal Otaku (she's a simp too and a multi-shipper)

"What's with that face?"Dazai asked quite worried,"nothing...,Oh wait your recruiting right?what for and who are you recruiting?"(Y/n) suddenly asked as her depressed face suddenly turn into a happy one,Dazai sweat dropped at how dumb the person that they're organization were looking for a week and is now asking himself if really found the right person or if he found the wrong one,ofcourse (Y/n) is there waiting for an answer but is now getting impatient especially because she's on her period,"Dude are you making a lady wait for your answer?!?!",(Y/n) asked getting impatient,ofcourse Dazai was stopped at he's thoughts once he realized that the girl was getting impatient,"Are you....on your period?" Dazai asked lowering he's voice for abit,"..........WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!?!",(Y/n) snapped because of Dazai's sudden question and ofcourse he won't get away without any slap in the face

Poor Dazai just wanted to recruit the girl but got a slap instead and after he got slapped by (Y/n),(Y/n) left him with a mad face and got back to hiding,now he needs to find her again,"way to go Dazai getting slapped by a girl pfft",a certain short ginger haired man laughs as he appeared beside him,Nakahara Chuuya...Dazai's partner in the Port Mafia,this made an irk mark appeared at Dazai's forehead as he's face suddenly turned Into an annoyed one,just by hearing that voice already made him annoyed as he made a "tsk" sound and he suddenly snatched (the wig got snatched-) Chuuya's Fancy hat out of nowhere and ran away quickly while laughing he's ass off

"OI!!!WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?! AND GIVE THAT BACK YOU MACKEREL!"Chuuya yelled angrily and loudly that the whole City can probably hear it,(Y/n) who just witnessed this from the shadows is visibly confused but not about the two's relationship but how they're coat is still hanging in their shoulders,

(Y/n)'s Pov

I watched as the two started running around as i noticed how their coat is still hanging in they're shoulders even though they were running,"does every Port Mafia member has some kind of magic coat?,that's kinda cool now i feel like i wanna join but don't they think it'll get in the way in a middle of the fight?"i asked to someone or something as i looked at beside me as the silence came,i sighed as i look up the sky only to found out that the moon was already covered by the clouds and only few stars can be seen,"welp I'm kinda tired now i should probably go home now don't you think?.."i said to the one i was talking to earlier,I got down the rooftop and the first second that i did when i hit the ground is walking because why not? And i also need to go home anyway as i was walking on my way home i passed by a river,"That man still annoys me how could he even ask a girl that kind of questions hmp!"i muttered to myself and pout as i looked at the river still remembering the weird man from earlier when i was getting some fresh air from someone's rooftop,"I wonder if the owner of that house heard me and The ginger haired man's yell,welp they probably got interrupted in they're sleep though,poor person getting they're sleep interrupted because of some idiot asking some idiotic and forbidden question to a girl"i thought to myself,

3rd pov

As (Y/n) was talking to herself or probably her imaginary friend in her thoughts as she already passed the river that she was passing by earlier,(Y/n) suddenly stopped because she suddenly realized something as her faced suddenly had a worried expression"Why did i even go out in a middle of a night when i have period and when i could just open my window if i want fresh air?,it's literally dangerous!!",(Y/n) whispered shouted to herself as she realized that she just did something wrong and probably dangerous for a beautiful woman like her,"welp never mind,it already happened anyway and my ability is here to protect me too!"(Y/n) answered herself in her thoughts as her worried expression turned into a cheerful one once again forgetting about how she almost got herself in danger and ofcourse she finally arrived at her so called home,It's an apartment building she's living in the first floor in the first door since she requested it because she doesn't want to climb up some annoying stairs especially when she's tired as she was heading her way in the front door she searched for her key in her right pocket only to find out that...............................................IT WAS ACTUALLY IN THE LEFT POCKET!!
(hah! You thought she lost it on her way home but it's me! Dio!-),She sighed as she finally inserted her key into the keyhole and the sound of the door lock clicks meaning that she unlocked the locked front door,she ofcourse entered the room since it's technically the reason why she unlocked it,she took off her shoes and hanged her jacket in hanger since it's the purpose of hanger right?,as she finished it she jumped into her bed and fell asleep immediately drifting off in her dreamland hoping that she'd get a good and peaceful dream

End of chapter
Hsjshsjsh sorry if i updated kinda late i was kinda stuck at some part and is feeling really lazy but i encourage (more like threatened) myself that if i don't managed to update atleast one chapter in this week Reader-chan would think im a liar for saying that I'll update once a week🤧 I'm not sure if I'll be able to update once in every week because modules is so hard especially math,okii since now you know my excuse for being not able to update early I'll be going now! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter an advice would really be appreciated since I'm new to writing byeeee love y'all

P.s the something or someone is (Y/n)'s imaginary friend or you can just think of it as (Y/n) talking to yourself!

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