{Zankyo so much Besto friendo!!♡}

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The two of them were now in the glass elevator as it goes down when (Y/n) suddenly remembered something very important "Hey Dazai....." she called out to the brunette beside her, "what is it?"
He replied back as (Y/n) answered "Whe-.........

"Where is it?" The (h/c) haired girl ask looking for something "huh what do you mean?" The brunette replied confused to what the girl is talking "where is itttt??" The girl asked again trying to contain her patience

".........." the brunette was silenced trying  to remember what it is until he thought of something that the girl wanted ever since from the very start,"Oh.." the brunette started realizing what he just forgot

Soon the young man started laughing
Making the girl annoyed when all she ever wanted was the coat that she admired so much and immediately walked out as soon as the elevator stopped on it's destination and opened

Dazai followed the girl still giggling until he realized he lost the girl

(Y/n) being (Y/n) expected Dazai to follow her until she looked back and saw no signs of the boy she expected to see

Fear overtook her and immediately tried to look for a certain brunette but she couldn't until she saw a blond headed girl in a middle of the hallway walking alone

(Y/n) didn't hesitate to approach the girl despite knowing that she's in the Port Mafia's workplace and besides the blonde girl seems to be searching for someone too

(Y/n)'s pov

Uwaaaaa i can't believe i got separated from Dazai when i don't even know much about this place....now what?,
As i was trying to search for a certain brunette i saw a blonde girl walking alone in the hallway she seems to be looking for someone too i approached her immediately hoping maybe we could search for the person we're searching for together since she seems nice despite the place she's in

"Hellooo umm are you looking for someone too?" I asked to the blonde girl trying to appear nice as possible,"who are you?" She asked while pointing a gun at me,well i guess that's a normal reaction especially by the fact that she doesn't know me

"Uh um i mean no harm! I- im looking for someone too!,And i thought maybe we could search for them together.." i replied smiling slightly hoping she would agreed,".....tell me why are you here" she replied still not trusting me
"I'm a new member here..i guess?"i answered sweatdropping at my own answer,"oh..then you must be (Y/n) right?"
She asked slowly lowering her gun

"Yep and you are?" I asked finally feeling comfortable around her "I'm Ichiyo Higuchi but just call me Higuchi ok?" She answered with a smile like she didn't just pointed a gun at me few seconds ago

(That's Higuchi best girl for yaaaa)

"Anyway who are you looking for?" I asked trying to start a conversation
"Oh umm...it's my senior" she answered with a sweatdrop,"Oh then how does he looks like? I might be able to help you!"
I suggested hoping to help her "he wears a long black coat and black hair that turns white in the end of his hair and...he also looks likes he's always mad" Higuchi answered quite hesitant about her last details

"Ah i see....then let's look around!" I suggested taking her hand dragging her along with me,"eh but what about the person your looking for?" She asked concerned about the person who's probably worrying about me,"nah judging by his personality he's probably just waiting for me to the exit of this building or just leave me by myself" i answered quite giggling as Higuchi just sweatdropped at what i said

so i just continued my sentence with a  "so from now on you'll be my senpai and that means you have to tour me around while we're looking for the person you're looking for!" going for a turn to a corner and another corner even though i don't know where im going but Higuchi doesn't seem to mind and it might actually be the right way to find the person she's looking for,as we were walking not knowing where we'll end up,there's this spiky red haired guy with a plaster on his nose that we
saw on the hallway with another guy wearing a mask with his hair tied up in a ponytail

(No need to deny y'all i know all of you thought the same-)

Higuchi seems to be relieved to see them for some reasons since she immediately head towards them,I followed her as she was already greeting them,"hey Gin-chan and Tachihara-kun have you seen Akutagawa senpai?" Higuchi asked as i finally catched up to her

"Ah Higuchi-san i think i saw him earlier heading towards the Armory room also who's this girl?" the boy named Tachihara answered while the other one just nodded in agreement "Ah this is (Y/n) she's the new member here,
(Y/n) this is Tachihara and this is Gin they're one of the members of the Black lizard,a squad that Akutagawa senpai and i leads in the Port Mafia also thanks for information" Higuchi introduced us to eachother with a smile and thanked them

Higuchi immediately pulled me along to go to the Armory room but before we even get to leave Gin-san pulled my other wrists i looked at her confused as she looked down on the floor being shy i looked at Tachihara-san and he seems to be blushing? Higuchi noticed this aswell and asked what's wrong soon Gin-san came close to my ear and whispered "y-you have b-blood..stains o-on your short/skirt" (or whatever you are wearing-) after hearing this words i immediately checked the back of my short/skirt and saw a blood stains on it,it was probably caused by walking around too much,i can't help but feel embarrassed and i don't even know what to do but to lean my back on the wall to cover my back while looking down feeling so embarrassed to prevent anyone else to see the blood stains

(Im sure some of y'all experienced this aswell and it feel so embarrassing admit it💀my period just finished 2 days ago and i remembered the Reader has one aswell,it was mentioned in the other chapter)

3rd pov

"U-um i-..i can spare you a pad if you  want" Gin suggested looking down on the floor "r-really? Is it okay??" (Y/n) asked as Gin nodded

Time skip

In the Restroom

The sound of a flush was heard as one of the of the stall was opened (why can i hear this-) Y/n got out of the opened stall to see Gin waiting and observing things on the mirror with Higuchi "Zankyo so much Besto friendo!!" Y/n thanked Gin with a thumbs up but soon it turned into an awkward silence as Y/n is now currently in confusion

(*C O N F U S E D   S C R E A M I N G*)

"Wha-why- how are you here?! And why do you have pads for menstruation?!.....oh i do realize that your voice sounds like a girl....wait you're a girl?!?!"
(Surprised pikachu face)
Y/n suddenly panicked as Higuchi was shocked aswell finally being aware of the truth and panicked as well while Gin just sweatdropped expecting for this to actually happen

"AAAAAAH" a scream was heard from  inside of the female's restroom,Tachihara who's been waiting for the three outside of the restroom was confused but just thought that it's only one of those events that always happens in the female's restrooms when a group of girls who knows eachother goes together inside and just continued waiting for them

AYE YO- im back from my break but my
Update schedules will be broken💀lmao i took a break for the sweets characters but the event is already finished and i still haven't updated lmao im sorry im such a disappointment hsmsjs so yea  hope you guys like this chapter- you guys probably already forgot about what happened in the previous chapters cuz i forgot it too and had too back read sgsjsjskwh sorry if the chapter is so short hsjdhd

And yes the account on the top is mine that's a sign to add me and interact with me because I'm  l o n e l y desu please tell me your username so i can know who to accept 😌👌 also that's also where i post some of my arts

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