Man in Black clothing

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(Sorry for not updating so long- i am a lazy human being with no motivations in life jk)

Pleaso enjoy reading!(>•ᴗ•)>♡

The three girls went out of the girl's restroom but the two of of the three seems shakened as no emotion can be seen clearly in both of their lifeless eyes

"I thougth she's a boy" (Y/n) thought to herself as she sigh deeply feeling gloomy

Higuchi is feeling mutual aswell, Tachihara just watches the two in their dramatic state wondering if something actually happened in the restroom after all.

"Oi Gin what happened to these two?"

Gin simply shrugs leaving Tachihara in confusion about the situation unfolding infront of him.

"Also shouldn't you guys be looking for Akutagawa-san now?,he might have left the Armory room by now" the red headed man said reminding the two of their original purposes as to why they are here right now.

"Ah right,thanks for reminding me Tachihara-kun,we have to go now Bye-byeee" Higuchi smiled at the two taking (Y/n)'s hand dragging the (h/c) headed girl with her (Y/n) simply mouthed a "Thank you" with a smile as the two nodded in response.


Dazai is sitting at the corner of the entrance and exit of the building waiting for you♡ with a bored expresion till a man with a reddish hair and a light brown coat comes toward the exit.


"ODASAKUUUU~" the brunette shouted the nickname he made for the man as he stood up and went to the red-headed man.

"Hey Dazai what'cha doin in the corner looking so lonely?" The man called Odasaku asks him with a faint smile
"Well,you see there's a new recruit and i was supposed to tour her but i lost her : D and you know?? She even thought our coat has some kind of magic so they can stay in our shoulders and not drop especially in battle" Dazai told Odasaku while giggling.

"So it's a girl?" Odasaku asked at the brunette "Yep,but now that i think about it seriously how does my coat even work?" The brunette answered with another question as he checks his own coat looking around it with  curiosity in his eyes "Good question let's ask our nerd friend later,for now i have to do my work,see ya" the red headed man patted the brunette's shoulder bidding a goodbye as he walks out in the exit of the building.

Dazai went back to his position before as he sat down again and sighs,some of the Port Mafia members passes by but paid no attention to him.

(Back to you)

(Y/n)'s Pov

Me and Higuchi-san finally arrived in the Armory room Higuchi-san also toured me around on the way,there we saw a man around his fifties,he wears a moncle over his right eyes,he has a gentle violet eyes,he also wear black long coat with a brown scarf in the same length as his coat as he smokes.

"Hirotsu-san have you seen Akutagawa-san?" Higuchi-san asked the man,the man nodded in response "Yes i have","Do you know where he went??" Higuchi asks another question,the man answered with "if i am correct he went to the training room" as he puffs out a smoke.

(I swear i can never last long with writing someone's pov help-💀)

3rd Pov

As the man named Hirotsu puffs out a smoke you accidentally sniffs some of it and started coughing uncontrollably Hirotsu and Higuchi sweat dropped as you continuesly coughs Higuchi starts patting your back in hopes of easing the little pain from coughing as Hirotsu stopped smoking "My apologies" Hirotsu apologies as he bows 45° degrees,a sign that he is guilty.

You finally stopped coughing and regained your composure "No no it's okay i just accidentally sniffed it that's all" you waved your hands around assuring the man that it's okay while smiling "By any chance,Are you the new recruit?" Hirotsu asks you,You simply nodded at the man with a smile.

"I am so sorry for not introducing myself first,My name is Ryuro,Hirotsu Ryuro" Hirotsu introduces himself
"Ah!My name is (Y/n),(L/n) (Y/n)" you introduces yourself with a smile as you bowed in respect to your senior
"It's very nice to meet you may i call you by your first name?" Hirotsu responses with a question "oh um yes you can" (Y/n) answers the question with a faint smile as she nodded
"Well Hirotsu-san we have to catch up to Akutagawa-san now,see you later and thank you very much!" Higuchi butted in as she drags you again with her,you waved your hand to Hirotsu as he smiled at you till both you and Higuchi turns to a corner.

As you guys were on the way to the training room you noticed the worry in her eyes,you looked at her in confusion but thought that you were just imagining things till she stopped infront of a door,as you looked at her with confusion yet again as she says "this is my stop now,you should probably go back to the entrance to check if the person you are looking for
is there you shouldn't really make then wait for too long" Higuchi smiled faintly at you but this made you even more worried so you refuse to go back just yet after all you also want to meet this senior of her "Nope! Im gonna go with ya! Im not gonna leave until WE find him,we are the searching buddies after all hahaa~" (Y/n) wraps her small arms around Higuchi.

Higuchi stiffles a laugh "really? Searching buddies? Hahahahaha fine fine~"she says as she rolls her eyes this made you happy ofcourse after a few seconds Higuchi twisted the door knob and opened the door to the training room.

(Y/n)'s Pov

As Higuchi-san opened the door to the training room we went inside,to be honest it looks like a normal training room it is the type of room you'd expect,dangerous weapons and sharp objects aside some mens were training with their shooting skills with a shooting target board,other are simply taking a break from training,"how nice" i thought to myself as i looked around while following Higuchi-san till we reached another door Higuchi-san opens the door again and stepped inside i followed her and walked in aswell amd there we saw a man in black clothing that resembles the Akutagawa-san Higuchi is looking for based on the information she gave earlier.

That's it for today! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it, sorry if there's some typos and stuffs but guess what?! Buraiha interactions and a lil Akutagawa-kun and reader interactionss! I hope you all look forward to it but i might actually take long in writing it i might also go back to my original writing sched where i update every week since school ended one month ago

Keyword: "Might" ya can't trust this author with schedules💀 but ye i'll try my best to update as soon as possible!


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