{you can forget but you can be indanger"}

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3rd pov

As (Y/n) fell asleep she didn't realized she forgot to lock her front door but nothing much happened so i guess she's okay (keyword:nothing much)when (Y/n) woke up she felt like she had a dream but can't seem to remember it but she didn't mind it anyway and headed to her kitchen for breakfast when she arrived at the kitchen she immediately walked towards her lovely Refrigerator that has some ingredients or foods she needs so she can somehow live not noticing the man in her couch watching her as she picked up the (Ingredients/any food you want)for breakfast and once she turn around she was shocked that Dazai was there watching her,"G-get out!!!,how did you got in here!??!" (Y/n) yelled shocked that Dazai was there,"hello~  goodmorning to you too~ ,you left your door unlocked so i thought i should guard you because it's dangerous especially when your alone"Dazai said as he smiled innocently like he did not just committed trespassing,after Dazai finished he's sentence (Y/n) immediately puts her breakfast in the table and rushes towards him and started pushing him towards the front door,"You..have to leave..."(Y/n) whispered shouted at him as they were about to arrive at the front door,"Wow
....that's so nice of you!,i even guarded you when you were sleeping so you wouldn't be indanger and now your kicking me out of your house.." Dazai said sarcastically as he pouted "Yes that's because I'm a nice person now shoo!",(Y/n) answered back as they finally arrived at the front door and pushed Dazai out and immediately closed the door and was about to lock it until she realized she doesn't have the key,"The key's with me if your looking for it~" a muffled voice was heard from the other side of the front door as an irk mark appeared at (Y/n)'s forehead

(Y/n)'s Pov

I sighed trying to calm myself down as i opened the door with a "are you serious" face as I saw Dazai's so called innocent smile that would never cause you even a single problem,"What exactly do you want and why are you stalking me?"I asked getting irritated especially by the fact that I'm still on my period,"to recruit you and no i was just following you!"Dazai answered happily as i sweatdropped,"stalking and  following is just the same...?by the way...what about the recruiting me part?"i asked slightly interested in joining an organization with some Magic coat,"Oh well my boss wanted to recruit you in the Port Mafia because of your ability it would really be useful to our organization if you accept the offer"He responsed answering my question but there is something i wanna ask so i just asked him like a normal person would if they get curious over something "what happens if i refuse? Oh! and if i join the Port Mafia....do i get Magic coats too???"i asked with my eyes showing how much curious i am as i noticed he sweatdropped "was there something wrong to the question?" I thought to my myself as i tilted my head slightly waiting for he's answer

3rd pov

As (Y/n) was waiting for an answer Dazai is visibly confused and is thinking what is the "Magic coat" that she's talking about just now as (Y/n) is standing there thinking if she said something wrong,but after thirty two seconds (Y/n) got tired of waiting and finally asked "is there something wrong to my question?" (Y/n) asked with a worried look on her face,"sorry but.. ummm........what do you mean by Magic coat?" Dazai asked with an apologetic smile as (Y/n) was visibly shocked at how he doesn't what Magic coat is when he already has it "you don't know what Magic coat is!?!??!" (Y/n) asked with disappointment and shock showing in her eyes "........." Dazai stayed silent as he started getting nervous at what exactly Magic coat is
"Magic coattttt!!! the coat you and your co-worker were wearing last nighttttt" (Y/n) answered as she tugged Dazai's coat referring to it as Dazai just started laughing at how silly the girl was while (Y/n) is just there dumbfounded as to why he started laughing out of nowhere after finding out what Magic coat is and felt slightly offended at it and pouted as she starts heading towards the kitchen as Dazai followed her slightly giggling because of the so called "Magic coat","but hey..will you accept the offer? I mean you might get the Magic coat that you wanted but it's up to the one who recruited you to decide what will they give and since I'm the one who's recruitin-" Dazai was immediately stopped at he's sentence because of (Y/n) looking at him with an amazed look that she even looks like a 5yrs old kid getting they're parents to buy them a toy they wanted ever since they saw it

Dazai's pov

"Oh jesus i swear im not gonna fall inlove with that face" i thought to myself practicaly panicking inside but after a few seconds (Y/n) noticed i stopped mid sentence her face turned back to her normal expression,"what?,won't you give me the magic coat?? If you won't then I'll just refuse since you wouldn't give me the magic coat anyway",she said giving me her pouty face and started preparing her breakfast probably as she turned her back to me as i sweatdropped at how she would do anything for the so called Magic coat but then when she turned her around about to prepare her breakfast i noticed something...............

I'm finally doneeeeee

I was hanging around in a bridge with my family when i was writing this last night and decided I'll just upload it today since it's Valentine's day gwjsshejdh i hope you like it 💖and Happy Valentine's to y'all!!🍫💐🌸🌷🌺🥀🏵🌹🌼⚘💗💗💖💗💗💖💗💖...

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I was hanging around in a bridge with my family when i was writing this last night and decided I'll just upload it today since it's Valentine's day gwjsshejdh i hope you like it 💖and Happy Valentine's to y'all!!🍫💐🌸🌷🌺🥀🏵🌹🌼⚘💗💗💖💗💗💖💗💖💖💗💗

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