Chapter 1: Chekov

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These past few months have been very hard for everyone, especially Captain Kirk. We haven't found anything new at all, and we could all tell that it was really getting to our captain. Plus, monitoring the radar when there's nothing there can really kill your spirit, especially after it's been a few months. But soon I heard faint beeping coming from my radar. It picked up a small planet a couple thousand miles out.

"Captain, I detect another planet within our radius," I told my captain. He sat up in his chair. His face lit up. For what seemed like for the first time in months, he looked genuinely excited.

"Finally!" he exclaimed. "Drop out of warp. Now, Chekov."

"Yes, sir."

"Which planet? Has it been discovered?"

"Yes," I said, disappointed in myself. I felt like I was letting him down. "Oxdoron. It was discovered about two decades ago. Completely uninhabited. Our radar says that there is nothing down there. "

He sighed.

"Well let's go down and take a look anyways," he said.

"But the radar - "

"I know what the radar says, Chekov," he said in a cold, stern voice. "But I'm telling you to go beam yourself down there and take a look."

"I understand that you're tired of these disappointing results," I said. "But this planet is in the same conditions as the other one's that we have visited. Starfleet already went down there; there's nothing."

"Well maybe they missed something, or maybe something changed since then!" he exploded. "We checked the other planets that we've encountered, and now we are going to check this one. Chekov, get ready to beam." he turned in his chair. "You too, Spock."

"Captain, I find it highly illogical to - "

"Spock. Go."

Without another word, Spock and I exited the room. We headed for the Transporter Room in silence. We mindlessly put on our suits and earpieces, and picked up our phasers. I had never really gotten to know Spock well, and whenever Captain Kirk would send us down to check out planets, we never spoke. I decided to try to break the ice; it was long overdue.

"So how are things with you and Uhura?" I asked. Spock looked at me as if I were insane. I immediately regretted asking him.

"We're ready to beam down," Spock said through the earpiece. I slowly watched the white lines wrap around our bodies until they fully engulfed us, and then they cleared, and I only saw dry rocks that went on for miles. I turned on my earpiece. 

"Come in, Captain. Can you hear me?" I asked.

"Loud and clear, Chekov," he said. "Alright! Is there anything down there?"

I hesitated. I didn't want to let him down again, and we had just gotten there. Maybe there was something we were missing. 

"Spock," I said. "Maybe if we just - "

"Captain," said Spock. "I am sorry to inform you that there appears there is nothing of importance down here; just dry land and rocks that go on for miles."

"Can you breath? Is there oxygen there?"

Spock looked at his watch monitor and took his helmet off. I took mine off too. 

"I just took my helmet off: there does appear to be oxygen, but there is a strange odor in the air." he said. I sniffed. It did smell weird - as if something were burning, but there was no signs of anything for miles.

"It is most likely just the carbon dioxide." Spock told me, as if he could read my thoughts. I was just about to tell Kirk when a loud piercing noise echoed through the earpiece.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. Spock felt it too. We both took our earpieces out, but we could still clearly hear the sound coming through it. And then it abruptly stopped. I put it back in.

"Kirk?" I asked. Nothing. I turned to Spock. "Something is going on here." He nodded. All of a sudden, A flash of white light burst in front of me. Only for a split second; then it was gone. I was just imagining things. And then it happened again.

"Spock," I said. "Is the carbon dioxide - " I turned around. Spock wasn't there.

"Spock!" No reply. He was nowhere to be seen for miles.

The white light flashed again. But this time, after it went away, there were figures approaching me. About half a mile away. Dozens of them. Not Klingons - nothing I've ever seen or even heard of before. More white light. I tried to run, but my legs feel like they're in quicksand. A wave of agonizing pain came over me. It felt as if I was being ripped apart, limb by limb. I fall to the ground. I can't move. I can't speak. Another flash of white light. They're closer now - maybe 50 feet. Now there are hundreds of them. I am surrounded. More white light. Now they are hovering over me - inches away from my face. And then blackness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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