Mates Are Overrated.

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stood in front of the entrance of the school with a lolipop in my mouth, studying how the students buzzed around either going for lectures or whatever it is humans love to do. I couldnt help but notice there was a considerate amount of weres here which isnt really surprising as there are packs nearby. I had disguised my scent so that i blended in just fine and not draw attention to myself. But still many boys seemed to find me drool-worthy as they passed by me. I was dressed casually,really. In a tattered jeans, a black tube top and a black leather jacket paired with the latest Jordans. My hair straightened and still having  the single blue strand that matched my industrial piercing.

"I told you not to wear that. All the guys here are staring at you like you're some piece of meat. And to top it all of you're licking that lollipop like... Like... Ugh! You know what, let's just go inside and get this over with." Ian said or practically growled and held me to his side possessively as he led us into the school to find what we needed to be able to finish this mission. As though on cue, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and checked.

Caller ID: PRIVATE Number.

** On call **
Unknown: You here?

Me: Yeah. Package location?

Unknown: Get information from Mr. Donovan. Head of  Human Resource Department. It'll lead you to the package.

Me: A'ight. Adios.( Bye in Spanish)

** Call ends **

"Mr. Donovan, head of HR Department." I stated to Ian as i checked my mails on my phone for updates on my target. He started to rapidly type on his phone for a bit.

"Currently having lunch in the lounge room for the HR Department. Information is on a pen drive he wears on his neck  disguised as a crucifix."  He said in a serious voice. When we were on business, we didnt mix work with pleasure until the work is completed. Thats what i loved about my partner. Though, sometimes he's not as serious always.

"Lets get this over with. I wanna go sunbathing before the sun goes down." I said in a bland tone. At this Ian perked up and pulled me closer to him with a very suggestive look on his face, then he turned pouty. " Are you gonna wear the black polka dotted two piece? I love that. It looks so darn sexy on you." He whispered and made me laugh. "No... I'm feeling patriotic so i was gonna go for my USA flag coloured one. But..." At the mention of a 'but' he perked up ." I'll wear it if you beat me at a body count." I said knowing well that he couldn't,not to brag or anything... Oh who am I kidding, I totally meant to brag... But am the best at killing, hence me always winning at body count. "Oh, come on!!" He whined, causing him to earn odd looks from the passers by which he totally ignored. He doesn't guve a flying fuck what others think of him.

As the conversation or dare I call it 'arguement' was going on we were strolling down the hall swimming with students, most rushing to their next class. We almost made it to the  HR lounge room when the most wonderful scent filled my nostrils. A mixture of earthy nature scents like pine with a hint of honeysuckle and possibly a little blend of lemons. I've never smelt anything so heavenly before and i couldnt help but follow the smell. "Bella (beautiful in Spanish) where the hell are you going?" Ian whisper-yelled as he followed me through the halls as i tried to discretely sniff around for the source of that heavenly smell.  I knew Ian was following cause i could feel his presence behind but he was quiet. The scent was getting closer as i was about to round a corner  but now it was mixed with the smell of lavenders? Which for some reason made me growl.

Shit. That is not good for my cover. My wolf is trying to show herself. Will you calm the hell down. You're going to comprimise my mission. I growled at her internally. Expecting some sass or bitchy attitude from her, she rather whimpered "Mate" . Not at me, I realised as my eyes landed on the reason. I could only see the back of who is supposedly my mate cause he is busy  locking lips with this brunette. He has her pressed against the wall in a heated make out session. Seriously, they're so close I wonder if they are planning on fusing and becoming one being. Ava... Do something!! She did a whimper and growl at the same time, which came out as a weird sound. I'm sorry Tia ... It's his choice. I won't stop him. I told her as we gazed upon them.

A normal wolf would've pulled them apart and rip the female apart limb by limb. Regardless of the fact that the humans will be horrified. Or like it happens in stories the girl would ran away from the scene, a sobbing mess. But unlike either scenarios I lean against the wall opposite them in a calm stance even though my wolf is anything but calm. She wants to destroy that girl, watch her burn slowly as she screams in agony. Sadistic, I know. But that's what she wants. But what I want ... Is to open her eyes and let her see the world as it is.

Stories have made werewolves believe that when you find your mate, everything is all dandy.... Filled with unicorns that poop glitter. It's not. I want her to finally get into her  thick skull ( which is literally my skull) that we don't need a mate. Mates are overrated. And this act that i am witnessing right now proves it. I felt a hand on my shoulder and out of reflex tried to break it but the person was able to avoid it. It was then that I remembered Ian was here with me.

I turned to look at him with an emotionless face and a raised eyebrow. He scanned my face as if he was looking for any crack in the mask I had on. I knew he had put two and two together and realised the idiot who is now separating from the brunette for air is my mate. When he found nothing he sighed but didn't say anything, which i was grateful for. I really wasn't in the mood to talk.

I turned back to face the couple that seemed so engrossed in their own world to notice me creepily staring at them. I know my mate hasn't scented me yet cause my scent is masked but i know that as soon as we make eye contact he'll know who i am. "Do you still doubt that I love you princess?" My 'mate' asked the brunette whose nickname i now know is 'princess'. She had a huge smile on her face as she gazed up at him adoringly since he was taller than her. They looked so lovesick it made me feel sick. Ha! See what I did there?

"I don't doubt your love for me Dammy... Its just... What if you find your eristhai? You know they are eternal. Are you going to keep fighting the bond forever? What if the bond is too strong for you to fight? What if when you try fighting it... It kills you? What if- " 'Dammy' or my mate cut her of with another kiss but a shorter, sweeter one. After he placed his forehead on hers. "Princess I love you... And only you. No eristhai is going to tear us apart okay love? I promise." He said to her in a sweet soft voice and that seemed to be the breaking point for my wolf. She retreated to the back of my mind whimpering. I sighed dejectedly. I am going to have to cheer her up later . I dont like seeing her sad.

"Ian?" I called.

"Hm?"  He responded. He seemed to have been paying attention to the interaction too with a weird look on his face.

"Let's go. We have work to do."  I said and he nodded and began to walk away around the corner we came from. As I was about to turn and follow him my eyes locked with a pair or piercing green ones. His eyes filled with confusion first then realisation and they widened a bit. I smirked at him then turned the corner and followed Ian. I chuckled to myself whuch earned me an odd look from Ian who I was now walking beside. "What's so funny? I thought you just saw your mate locking lips with some chick?" He said with an eyebrow raised and i waved him of," Mates are overrated." I said with a shrug and we continued walking. Right now we've go work to do.

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