Chapter 9

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before everything else I'd like to apologize for...well, basically everything. I think my laziness is showing off in my writings. Have you noticed it? every time I start the story my characters are always in bed waking up or it ends them sleeping. -.- I love my bed too much and I love sleep and I can't think of anything else to do that's why my characters do the same. and I love bed scenes..if you know what I mean. *wiggles eyebrows*

I don't know what else to do with this story. Well, I do know, I just..I don't know how to start. So, forgive me for taking so long to update and for my boring chapters. So maybe I'll end this soon. Anyways, enjoy!!

p.s: Sorry for blabbering!


               Taemin is sitting on a hard, wooden chair inside their homeroom. Usually, he always pays attention to the class, answering questions that are hard for the other average students but very easy for him. But right now, he's not in the mood. Or maybe, he just can't, no matter how hard he tries to focus on his blabbering teachers and the repetitive questions on the board, his mind still drifts away, his eyes diverting to the blue and cloudy sky outside the window besides him. Thinking. Imagining. Praying. Because he feels weird in some unknown reason. His senses tingly and he feels that the bright, blue sky today will be the last time that it will be like that for him. He prays intently, begging and apologizing, wishing that his intuitions are wrong.

Please, let us be okay. Please, let us be okay.

            It keeps on repeating in his head, a chant that maybe, can save them from the protruding danger. He touch the silver cross hanging on his neck. Kai gave it to him after their talk about the possible end. He knows Kai loves his home. Kai loves Heaven and his God. And Taemin also knows that Kai loves him too and he doesn't want Kai to choose between him and Heaven. He keeps on thinking of any possible solution that might ease the situation until someone taps him on the shoulder, making him jump, startled. He looks up to see Minho, looking down at him, concern and worry visible in his round, big eyes. Taemin realize that the class must be finished, he doesn't heard the bell rang though.

             He gives his hyung his signature bright smile like he always did. Happy to escape from his depressing thoughts even for awhile. He tilts his head on the side when his hyung's expression didn't change, giving him a questioning look. Minho sighs and run his hands through his curly, brown hair, making it dishevelled.

"Taemin" He starts, squeezing tightly on the younger's shoulder. Fear is now on his face but he's trying his hardest to hide it together with the pain he feels. He loves Taemin. He's with him from the beginning and he's planning to stay with him until the end but everything changed when a certain, dark haired boy and tanned skin walked in the picture and swept Taemin away with just one flock of his wings. He sighs. For the first time in his life, he is lost for words to say. His straightforwardness hiding somewhere in his brain and refusing to come out. But as Taemin's now open mouth can utter a word, Minho speaks again.

"I..I want to tell you something. Something very important. And you need to listen carefully, don't react until I said you can, okay?"

        Taemin is about to answer when Minho raise a finger, silencing him. So Taemin just nod, still confuse on the situation and his Hyung's behavior. He's worried for his hyung. This is the first time he saw him like this. So anxious and he can tell Minho is scared by something. But he didn't dare disobey his hyung. He sat silently.

"Taemin-ah. I'm with you since you were young, guiding you. Protecting you. I even caught you when you fell, literally. Coz Tae, that's my job. My duty is to keep you away from harm and danger."

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