Chapter 10

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Wow! this is my first time continuing a story and reaching 10th chapter. Yehet for me~

I've been researching about fallen angels and how they differ from demons, and well, I never thought that fallen angels are that bad. There are not much of differences between them. And well, I'm afraid to admit this but I'm quite disappointed. I'm born wicked, I know. And even though I'm trying hard to be religious I still can't help to be tempted and love wicked things..and it scare the hell out of me. I'm afraid of myself now. ._. anyways, a lot of what I learned are going well with my story. But I won't used all the facts I learned coz this is fiction, not a religious book or whatever.

so, enjoy! :) and my new oneshot is done! Please check it out. It's entitled "Toys for Adults" My titles are lame. IKR. xD

             Heavy and fast steps on hard, tiled floor. Running as fast as they can. Sweats falling on the ground same as their sanity. Everything is dark and at mess. Loud screams and shots are heard. Fire devouring their surroundings. It's hot and dark and full of agony, like Hell. Taemin wonders if they magically transported from their school to the cursed place but as they push the school door open, the heavy wind and blinding light greeted them. A short moment of blindness made Taemin thinks that outside is much better than inside the building but as his eyes adjusted he saw that it's much more worst. Hell visited Earth, bringing all the monsters it have to make a corpse party. Angels are everywhere, fighting off the demons.

              He immediately scans his surrounding, hoping to find his dark haired angel. But he can't see anything pass the fire and ugly creatures and the blinding light from the angels. He felt the hand on his tightens its hold, he looks up to see Minho, his wings are now fully open at its widest. Minho pulls Taemin closer, hiding him in his wings like a good guardian angel would do. But Taemin still feels unsafe, he still feels like he's not suppose to be here or maybe, Minho isn't suppose to be the one who's doing this.

              Still trying to find his Seraph, Taemin took a step forward, he wants to move and find Kai but Minho stops him. Shaking his head  Taemin looks at him like he's crazy. Then a loud, ear piercing shot was heard yet again, disrupting Taemin who was about to throw a fit to his hyung. He knows that sound, it's Kai's. He's sure as hell that it's Kai. He pulls his hand out of Minho's tight grip, running before the angel could pull him back. He runs pass the demons, pass the other angels who are fighting. He got a mission to complete, and that mission is to find Kai and to be in his arms.

          But everything seems to blur. He stopped in the middle of the chaos. Fire and light and spark and dust get together. Making it hard for him to concentrate. He's panting, knees shaking, lungs hurting from the lack of air. His head spinning. The adrenaline of finding Kai disperse by the tiredness and heat he feels. He momentary forgot that he's not invisible, he doesn't have a power nor a weapon to protect himself. It only came back to him when a dirty, dark hand touched his shoulder. He looks back to see an ugly demon, fangs bared in the most scary grin Taemin have ever saw. Fear surrounded his heart, clenching it till it hurts. Is this the end? I didn't even see Kai one last time. I haven't said goodbye yet. I haven't thank Minho hyung...

           A lot of regrets and guilt flashes in his mind, questions that he wish he could still find the answer. But the Demon isn't merciful as he wishes it to be. It struck a hard slap on Taemin's cheek with its dirty hand. Its sharp claws wounding Taemin's silky skin. It hurts, it burns. Taemin's mind stopped working as the pain struck him. Tears welling in his eyes. Another blow was sent on his stomach, forcing him to fall on his knees, blood and vomit came out from his mouth. It hurts, it burns. He's sobbing, and coughing blood. All he can think about is the pain. His eyes are blurry, but he still saw the demon raised its hand. Taemin prepares himself for another hard blow of burning pain to hit him. He shut his eyes tight. Mentally praying. He waited for a few seconds, but it didn't came. It didn't?! Why the hell it didn't came? He's ready to die. Or maybe not, but he's ready to accept the pain. Maybe the demon wants to hit him square on the face and waiting for him to look up. Maybe Minho found him. Maybe it stopped and saw how weak he is and left. A lot of maybe's and why's, but when he looks up, what he saw was not one of his guesses.

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