Chapter 11

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                 "I-i.." Minho seems to lose his words. His tongue failing him. Did he ever wished for Kai's death? Did he ever detest the other? Did he? Hate is not supposed to be included in an Angel's system, they are not made to hate except to give judgement and punishment down to the demons and sinners but Kai is not just a sinner, he's an Angel. He is his brother.

             He doesn't know what to say. All he knows is he doesn't want Taemin to die or to suffer. But Taemin will suffer if Kai dies. Wait, Kai can't die. Angels can't die. The second choice is just a pseudo. There is no other choice. The only thing that can stop this is...but wait! Why does God ask him to choose? Can God kill an angel? Can He bend all the facts and truths? Maybe. He is the God after all. The creator of Heaven and Earth, everything. But if all the choices are true, what will he choose?

               A hand on his shoulder woke him up again from his trance, but not fully. His mind still blurry and hazy, still half-thinking on what to do.

"Son, My beloved child. I trust you to make the right judgement."

           Minho knows that praying is just a vain and nonsense attempt to clear his mind, to find the right choice. But he can't help himself. When everything feels so hard and heavy on his shoulder, he prays. And right now is the same. But who will he pray to? God is in front of him. He is the main reason why he needs to pray this time. It's ironic, really. But his mind is on autopilot, praying on his own.

God! What should I do?

          Minho got no response.


              Another loud bang echoes through the night as he shot the demons that are gathering around them. They are still up in the night sky, his beloved in his arms. Demons charge against them but he's fast enough to block their stunts. The only thing in his mind is to protect this fragile thing in his arms.

             Taemin cringed inwardly, his wounds hurt. He hugs Kai tighter, trying to make the pain and the fear to subside by only feeling the other's warmth.

"Hey baby." Kai whispered when the Demons halt their actions to prepare to make a stronger attack. Kai just watch them, trying to focus on his fight and to his hurting lover at the same time. Kissing Taemin's forehead. Feeling everything of Taemin as he can in their situation, coz he got a feeling that he won't see him anymore. That they will be forever apart. He doesn't know if his intuition is telling him that he'll die or Taemin will, he hopes that it isn't the latter. But he feels the nausea in the pit of his stomach and somehow he wants to vomit. His tears threatening to fall again but he fights it. Whispering the words that were running in his mind since the day he met Taemin. Pouring all his heart in every word.

      "Tae, you're my everything. I don't care if Heaven won't take me back. I-i love you."

           Tears erupt from Taemin's eyes, embracing Kai closer to him as he can. Kissing the tanned chest before he settled to bury his face in Kai's neck, crying his eyes out. Coz he feels like Kai is saying his farewell to him. And he feels the parting so much closer now, like it's breathing down his neck and any second from now it will bite the both of them. He can't really say anything, too busy mourning and just hugging Kai.

      "I really want to live Tae. I've been surviving all my life but it feels like I only started being alive when I met you. It scares me to lose you."

          Kai really didn't plan to confess his scariest nightmare. To cry in front of Taemin. But he can't fight the tears anymore, coz the emotions in his chest are too heavy and overflowing to control nor stop. He's exhausted and tired of fighting everything in his life. And in that moment he explodes. All the suppressed emotions all rushed out. Making Kai sob and shake uncontrollably. Both lovers crying in each other's arms.

           The demons started to attack again seeing the weak state of the Seraph. But Kai fought them with tear stained face and aching heart. Aiming his gun to the monsters threatening to hurt them. One by one they fall down on fire. Screaming. But all their sounds were block by Kai's loud beating heart and Taemin's sobs.

           Truthfully,  Kai is scared to death. Scared to lose Taemin. Scared to lose the fight. Scared that he will only survive but lose his life, Taemin is his life. And living without Taemin is only surviving, not at all living. He is so damn scared. He prays, as he shot the demons approaching them. He prays to God for this war to end, for Taemin to be safe, for him to live. He prays. He doesn't know that a choice was made and his prayers are futile.


          Minho finally made his choice. It's a sacrifice. He figured that he loves Heaven and his God more, that he can't throw away his faith and to hide his wings just to save his life. He's crying. Even if he's loyal to the Holiness, he still loves him, but his love isn't strong enough. He knows he may regret this later.

            "I choose the death of the m-mortal" His voice just above a whisper, his eyes shedding tears. He bows his head, not looking at the Holiness. He felt a hand brush his hair and he started shaking. In fear? or maybe regret? He doesn't know.

       "Very well My son." As soon as those words came in Minho's ears, the Holiness disappears.

           He's back on Earth. In the middle of the war, kneeling on the dirt. Still thinking if he made the right choice. But wait, he needs to find Taemin. He stood up and started running. Maybe he can save him. Save him from what? From the judgement that he himself throw upon the innocent boy? He stopped on his track. The bitter words stung his heart. Did I made the right choice? He figured he will only know if he finds Taemin. And so, despite of his blurry vision he runs again, searching for who he believes as his beloved human. He wants to see him one last time. To apologize. To say how sorry he is. To say how much he loves him. But wait, how much does Minho loves him? He chose to kill him. How can that be a proof of his love? He stopped again. Thinking. Pitying himself.

          He almost falls down on his knees again when a loud scream shook him up from his mourning. And then everything stopped. The chaos around him stopped as a loud cry of agony and pain heard again from above. Echoing through the night. Everything stopped even Minho's breath but not his tears. He looks up to see demons in flame, writhing their bodies in pain. But that's not where the scream came from.

             He spread his wings and fly up. Searching the night sky until he stopped, meters away from a crying dark-haired angel. He's clutching a body tightly to his chest. The dark-haired angel's cries are silent but Minho can feel the sorrow he feels, maybe because they're both angels, maybe Minho only feels empathy coz they are the same beings. But the same sorrow struck him in his heart when he got a glimpse of the long, auburn hair. His breath stuck up in his throat as he watched with wide eyes as the face of the corpse came to view. His eyes close. His full, pink lips are open. His beautiful face have wounds and smeared with blood. Minho's tears came rushing back down and he sobs. Feeling the guilt and regret creeping up in every fibre of his being. He hears nothing, the sound of his heart breaking is too loud for his ears.


Sorry for the long wait! Been busy with final exams and chasing my Professors around to gain higher grades. lol! But anyway, sorry for the short chapter. but this is not the end yet so don't worry. I hope you like this..? I'm not really fast at writing...yet. coz I believe in the saying, "Write fast and you won't write well, Write well and you will soon write fast." *bow*

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