Chapter 3

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         Walking up towards his target, he slowly releases his grayish wings. His knuckles white from gripping so hard at the metal shotgun he's holding. Smirking at the sight in front of him. He really loves the effect he can give to others who sees him, human or demon, like the one he is now facing, even angels tremble when they see him. And he fucking loves it. His smirk turns to a mischievous grin as the dark, disgusting figure stand just a few feet away from him. Still looming at the back of a rich looking guy.

           "Oh? the Dark Angel, the Lord's seraph. What a coincidence to see you here." The demon said, trying so hard to hide his fear with a teasing tone. But Kai just laugh at it. He loves the recognition, the attention he get both from the opposite worlds. He just shrug. He's not in the mood to talk to a sinner, not that he isn't one but Demons are different. He's not like them. They were born sinners, he is not. He just became one.

           Seeing that he doesn't want to reply, the demon started to laugh nervously. Taking a step back, Kai move forward. A step back, a step forward. "I'm just passing by." The dirty demon said dismissively. And Kai just hum in response. Still advancing to his prey mercilessly. Those creatures doesn't deserve such things. They don't even have that in their system. He knew too well how this night will end. It might end dirty, with blood, sweat and grease but a cheshire smile on his face or a pretty clean fight but he still have a cheshire smile. But he likes the first option though. He's hard like that. He's determined to win this fight and he's sure as hell that he will.

           Still advancing they came to a halt, a few feet away from each other. The Seoul street is still bright, crowded but all of them are motionless. The beautiful winter view is ignored, only the ugly view in front of him is all he sees. The demon's back hits a cold,dirty wall. The rich looking guy is looking at him with blank face.

         He slowly inspect the guy. Head to toe. He didn't move but he's trembling. Yeah, he seems decent despite the wrinkles and white hair caused by the past years. He shift his heavy gaze to the dirty creature once again. "Choose, let this guy be and I might free you or keep him...and you'll go back to where you came from, broken into pieces". Kai said, his words drips poison that the demon immediately let go his trembling dirty hands from the old man's shoulder. His eyes mirroring fear. Of course, he isn't serious about letting him go. He's his ticket to go home. No demon can escape him until his mission is done. He wont spare them any mercy.

         Kai advances, his feet glides smoothly on the cement floor. Silence surrounds them. Only the clunking sound from his metal weapon echoes. He can feel the adrenaline flowing through his veins. His blood went up his ears, blocking his sense of hearing, only his fast beating heart is all he can hear. He wants to be done with this but he want this fight to be hard and painful for the demon, if punishing the weak creature that can't even fight him is called a fight. It may be called as a hunt. A punishment brought down by his Almighty God, only using him as His soldier. He chuckles darkly.

        He aim his gun on the other's shoulder. And with a single push on the trigger a loud shot was heard, followed by an ugly scream. Yeah, he loves it. It's a beautiful sonata for his ears and he wants to hear it again and again and again. So, he aim his weapon once again to the demon who is now clutching his bloody shoulder, his arms almost disconnect from his limbs. Black liquid ooze from his wound. But he doesn't have time to recover from the pain, Kai didn't allow him as another shot hits his dark leg that made another agonizing scream burst out from his throat. And all went on. A gunshot then a scream. A shot then a scream. It echoes all around them. Cough and groans and dark laugh. Kai didn't realize that he was laughing so hard as he shot the demon mercilessly until no sound came from the sinner, not even a move. Kai stared at the pool of dark liquid in front of him. It doesn't resemble anything anymore, you wouldn't think of it as anything if you look at it. Only blood and pieces of limbs that looks like dirt is all can be seen. It stinks. Kai crunches his nose. Pulling a disgusted face.

       He took out something from his pocket and throw it to the remnants of the demon. As it hit the pool of dirt, a fire alight from it. Burning it until nothing was left from it. He just stare at it for God knows how long. He feel envious. He envy the demon, he brought him back to where it belongs and he wish he could do the same to himself. He laughs bitterly. He pity himself? He snorts. "I'm so pathetic."

       He looks up the dark night sky. No star can be seen, just thick black clouds. It might snow. He inhales the freezing air into his lungs. Closing his eyes in the process. No winter night can match the coldness he feels in his soul. He wants to go home. Home. Where is his home? Then a certain brown haired boy crosses his hollow mind. He smiles. Yeah, I really need to go home.


    Yey! 3rd chappie~ I sucks. I wrote it randomly. Well, all my chapters are written randomly haha. So yeah, I hope you like it though. BUT WEEEEEYT!! Have you seen Taemin's danger? huhuhu He's so manly and sexy!! I miss my Taeminnie baby. He's all grown up and it doesn't help with my imagination for this story coz I intend to write him pure and innocent as I can. TT.TT

  But anyways, I wish Taemin and Kai will have a sub-group. It would be painfully amazing to watch them together! Like what I felt while watching Pretty Boy. My TaeKai feels is everywhere! OTL

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