The Begining (The Seawing Kingdom)

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Hi, this is Auklet the Seawing and Cliff the Skywing's love story. This is for fun. Please no hate comments because this is my first story. Hope you enjoy!!                                                                                                -TheMemeQueen_2008


" Auklet!! Hurry up you're going to be late for school!" yelled Tsunami. " Aww, come on sis, do I really have to go.?" asked Auklet. " Yes, now come on and stop whining." Tsunami answered. Auklet was getting ready to go to her first day of school at Jade Mountain Academy. Her big sister Anemone already went to school there and Tsunami ,her other big sister, is a teacher. Auklet came out of her room with a white pearl strand wrapped around her horns. It was a gift from her mother, Queen Coral, on her 4th hatching day party. All of Auklets friends came. There was one in particular that she was glad to see. It was Cliff, the Skywing Prince. He was SO nice. He was also fairly handsome too. He wrote a song for her and sang it at her party. He was the best singer/songwriter she had ever met! ( Techinally  he was the only singer/songwriter she had met.) There was only one problem, Queen Coral HATED Cliff. She said that he did not act like a prince at all. She thought he was not fit to be a Prince. Auklet still liked Cliff though. " Hey Tsunami, is Cliff going to be at school?" asked Auklet. " Who?" Tsunami puzzled. " Uhh, nevermind".   With those words they lifted into the air and flew towards Jade Mountain Academy but instead Tsunami turned toward the Rain Kingdom.

"Hey I thought we where going to school" questioned Auklet. She gazed at her shiny scales. They sparkled in the morning sun. She scrubbed her scales a little more than usual because she wanted to look presentful at school and for Cliff. " Yes we will be there soon I just wanted to stop in the rain forest and say hi to Glory." Tsunami answered. One they entered the rain forest they started walking. The two seawings had never quite gotten the hang of flying in the Rain Kingdom. ZZZZZZZZZ thump.  Tsunami fell on the ground knocked out. "oops, sorry." said a brightly colored Rainwing. " UUUHHHH, Emerald you did it again. Hi Auklet, i'm sorry about Tsunami. Emerald is still trying to control her blow darts. I'm Iguana, one of Queen Glory's body guards." Iguana explained. " Oh ya, I remember you. Will you help me get Tsunami to Glory?" Auklet asked. " Ya sure, Emerald will help." Iguana answered. Iguana pulled a vine net from her back and wrapped it around Tsunami. " When I count to 3 we both pick up a corner of the net. okay. 1.....2.....3." Iguana yelled. They both launched into the sky with Tsunami hanging in the net below. Auklet followed carefully through the trees. A couple minutes later Auklet could see the Queen's pavilion. Glory was laying on the platform sunning herself. Her scales where a royal purple with navy blue swirls. When they landed on the platform Glory lifted her head. " Hi Auklet. Do you need someone to escort you to school?" she asked when she saw Tsunami hanging limp in the net. " Umm, no thanks. I just came with Iguana and Emerald to see you. Tsunami mentioned wanting to talk with you." Auklet stated. " Well then you better be of to school. Sunny will have a fit if any more students are late to class. Why don't you talk with her about getting a sleeping cave at the academy. Now of you go." Glory said. " Okay thanks Glory!" she exclaimed as she spread her wings. She lifted into the air and flew towards Jade Mountain Academy.


Don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think of the book. I am open to suggestions. Thanks for reading!! <3


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