The Begining (The Skywing Kingdom)

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" Cliff,  are you ready to go?" Queen Ruby yells. Cliff is in his room gathering his stuff for school. His mom enrolled him to Jade Mountain Academy. He went through the stuff in his backpack. Scrolls....check, pencils....check, songs....check, Necklace....check. Looks like I have everything for school he thought silently. " Cliff honey, are you having second thoughts about going?" Ruby asks as she walks into the prince's room. Cliff had taken out the necklace that he made. " Mom, do you think she will like it?" Cliff had made a pearl string necklace for his crush, Princes Auklet of the Seawings. " Of course she will like it. Are you ready to go?" Ruby assures. " Ya I am ready to go. Hey mom, thanks." Cliff states. " For what?" Ruby asks. " For enrolling me in school." Cliff answers. " Your Welcome, now come on I don't want you to be late." Ruby says. They both fly out of Cliff's window and head towards Jade Mountain Academy.

As Cliff and his mom flew towards JMA Cliff thought he saw aqua green scales reflecting in the sun. He knew those scales anywhere. " Mom, I think that is Auklet. Can I go say hi?" Cliff asked.   " Yes, tell her that if she is flying alone she can fly with us if she wants." Ruby tells him. He nodded at his mom as he turned around to fly to Auklet. " Auklet! Auklet its me, Cliff." Cliff yelled as he got closer. Auklet turned around with a startled expression on her face. As soon as she saw Cliff she got a HUGE smile on her face. Seeing this made Cliff happy. She flung herself into cliff's arms and hugged him. " Hi Cliff. Are you going to school to?" She asked. " Ya I am. If you are flying alone you can fly with me and my mom if you want." he asks. " Ya, i'm flying alone. If its not to much trouble I would like to fly with you." she answers him. Together they fly back to Ruby. " Hi Queen Ruby. Thank you so much for letting me fly with you and Cliff." Auklet says to Ruby. " Its no problem. A princess should never fly alone." Ruby says happily. Ruby turned and started towards Jade Mountain. Auklet and Cliff followed suit. Cliff started thinking about how he was going to give the necklace to her without being weird. He also wanted to tell her that he kinda liked her. He finally thought of a way to give her the necklace. He would put it in a box and set it in front of her cave. He glanced over at Auklet and smiled at her. She smiled back just as Jade mountain loomed over them.


Don't forget to tell me what you think! Thanks for reading! Also sorry these are so short. I don't have a lot of time between school and stuff. I will try to post regularly but cannot promise anything. <3


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