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" OWW!" I screech as Tsunami and Clay put wet moss on my wounds. " I'm sorry but these are kinda deep and need to be cleaned before they get infected." Clay said. " I'm sorry, they just really sting." I say wincing. Cliff walks in and hugs me. " CAREFULL WITH MY SISTER! " Tsunami yells as I wince. Cliff quickly backs away. " I'm sorry Auklet." Cliff says and runs out. " Tsunami! It didn't even hurt that bad. Now he's going to feel REALLY bad." I yell and my sis. Tsunami looks hurt. " Mother told me to look out for you and that's what I am doing, whether you like it or not. " Tsunami says. She turns and walks out. " I'll get Sunny to come and help you Clay." Tsunami says over her shoulder. "  Tsunami! I'm sorry! " I yell after my sis. I jump off the table when Clay wasn't looking. " Auklet, come back! I'm not done yet!" Clay says as he chases after me. 

I race around the corner and smack in Cliff. " Auklet! Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Is Tsunami okay with you running?" Cliff asks. " Yes, i'm okay. No you didn't hurt me and I don't know. I said some mean things to Tsunami and she ran off. She's been even more grumpy than usual." I say sadly. Cliff gives me a look. " Do you think she and Riptide broke up? If he did I will make him pay for hurting my sisters feelings!" I yell. " What! No that"s not what I meant. I meant what if she is with egg and doesn't know it. " He says again. I stand there shocked. " Um Auklet, are you okay? " He asked as I sway a little bit. " Ya I'm fine. I think I just need a little rest. Hey i'm sorry for what Tsunami said. I don't think she meant it. I'm sorry for not sticking up for you." I apologize. I lean in and nuzzle him. " It's okay. I  shouldn't have reacted like that. Do the cuts still hurt?" He asks. Just then clay comes around the corner. "" he says heavily. " Did you run? " I ask. " Ya......bad....idea." he panted. " I'm gonna go to my room with Cliff and rest. You should too." I say to Clay. Burrow the Sandwing comes around the corner. " Who's that?" Cliff whispers as Burrow waves. " She's in my winglet. Her boyfriend is Pharaoh" I answer. " I know Pharaoh but not her." He says back. I start to walk back to my room with Cliff behind me. Why does he have to be so cute. " I'm glad your my boyfriend." I say. He slides up beside me and nuzzles my neck. " Me too, me too." he says. I walk into my cave and wave at Coyote and Bamboo the Rainwing. She was also in my winglet. ( Here is Auklets winglet: Coyote the Mudwing, Bamboo the Rainwing, Burrow the Sandwing, Cliff the Skywing,  Juniper the Icewing, Nightstar the Nightwing, and Auklet the Seawing.) "Hi Bamboo." I call. " Hi Auklet." She answered. She was snuggled in the corner with Coyote. I give him a look and he nods. "Bamboo is Coyote's girlfriend." I whisper to Cliff. I walk over to the moss bed and lay down. Cliff walks over and snuggles beside me. " I know we told the teachers about getting captured but what do you think they will do about it?" I ask Cliff. He looks asleep but says " I don't know. However, if they do it again the teachers will have to do something about it." he says. I snuggle into him and fall asleep dreaming about me and Cliff.

So....a lot of things happened in this chapter but I hope you like it so far!                                                    -TheMemeQueen_2008

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