Saving Auklet

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" Auklet!! Wait up!!" I yell as I chase after my girlfriend. For being a Seawing she is fast. She disappears in the trees and does not come back up. " Auklet!!!!" I yell. I dive down into the forest and land on the floor. The forest is unusually quiet. " Auklet, you can come out now." I say. When there is no answer I start to get worried. Suddenly I am tackled to the ground. " Get off me!!!!!" I roar. Then I get hit in the head with a stick and the world go's black. 

" Cliff? Wake up Cliff!" Auklet yells. I open my eyes and slowly sit up. I look around the dark brick wall room. My eyes land on Auklet. She is chained to the wall with her wings tied up.  "Auklet! What happened to you!" I exclaim. " Somebody captured me." She answered. hearing this made my blood boil. Nobody captured my girlfriend and got away with it. She could clearly see how agitated I was. " Hey, i'm not hurt. I'm fine. What about you? You look like you have a bump on your head." Auklet asks. " I'm fine. " I grumble. I can see that my tone hurts her feelings. " I'm sorry. I was just worried about you." I say. I look up and can just barley see a sliver of moonlight. I quickly form a plan in my brain to escape. After I have multiply plans in my head I run over and figure out how to unclamp Auklet from the wall. I finally get the latch undone and notice some cuts on her wings, muzzle and back. " What happened! Nevermind tell me later. I have a plan to get us out of here. See that hole up there. I think that we can fit through it and then we will fly back to JMA and tell them what happened. Okay?" I ask " Okay, but what if there are guards watching us and we get caught?" She asks. " We will take them out." I reassure her. I lift into the air with Auklet slowly following me. " Stay here, I am going to check out the hole and see if there is anybody up there." I say. I slowly fly up to the hole and land on the outside. " Auklet! Its safe. You can come up here now." I yell down softly. She shoots out of the hole and winces. I feel bad for her but know that the teachers will take care of her. I take off and together we fly back to Jade Mountain.

Sorry It took we so long. I was being lazy and didn't want to finish the chapter. Hope you have a good day!    - TheMemeQueen_2008

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