The secret

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"Auklet, wake up. We need to go to class." I say as I shake Auklet. " What.....did you say?" She says sleepily. Slowly she sits up. " I said that we have to go to class." I say again. I get up and walk out the door with Auklet following closely behind. I walk down the hall and can hear other students talking and laughing. There's our class. I say to myself. I turn the corner and enter the art cave. I see Coyote, Bamboo, Burrow, Nightstar, and Juniper. I walk over to Nightstar and Coyote while Auklet heads over to Bamboo, Burrow, and Juniper. " What's new with you guys?" I question the dragons. " I have a girlfriend, I have a new little sister, and I found out I am an animus." Nightstar states. I just stare at him. " Your an animus?" I ask. He nods. I finally get over my shock and ask him some more questions. " Okay, who's you girlfriend and what is your sister's name?" I ask more calmly. " My girlfriend's name is Dreamwalker and my sisters name is Prophecy. " Nightstar answers. " Cool. What about you Coyote?" I ask as I turn towards the Mudwing. " Nothing much." He answers. By then I have started painting a picture of Auklet in the ocean thinking about how pretty she looks. " Cool, what are you guys painting?" I ask. " I painting the Nightwing camp back in the rain forest." Nightstar answers. " I'm painting a picture of a tree." Coyote says. " I will be right back." I say as I make my way over to Auklet. As I approach I can hear her giggles as she talks with her friends. I decide to sneak up behind her. I quietly creep up to her and poke her. She let out a yelp and turned and spilled paint on me. " Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. Wait... you scared me. I'm not sorry anymore." She said as she turned away.  " I wrap my wings around her into a hug. " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have scared you." I apologize.    "I'm gonna go and wash off in the underground caves okay." I say. I unwrap my wings around her and walk out of the cave. 

I make my way to the tunnel that leads down to the lake. As I turn into the cave I can hear talking so I slow down and peak around the corner to see the four other Skywings. "You know, that prince Cliff is kinda cute. Do you think I could use my magic to make him like me instead of that Seawing princess?" One says. I take a look around the corner at the one who talked. She was had pale orange scales and a red spine. Two of the other Skywings where bright red. The last one was a pale red-orange. " Ash! You can't do that. " One of the red ones exclaimed. " Well why not Topaz!" Ash yells back. The other red Skywing backed into a corner. I'm pretty sure her name is Auburn. " Because its wrong!" Topaz exclaimed. Ash let out a burst of flame to show her annoyance. "Sorry for yelling Topaz. I just think he is cute and I wish he would at least notice me. He is the only male Skywing and he falls for a SEAWING!!!!" She exclaims. "Can we all please calm down!" The pale red-orange one yells. Ash and Topaz along with Auburn go silent and stare at the female. " Sorry Phoenix." Ash and Topaz say in unison. " Its fine but I have to meet Taipan in the hunting cave." Phoenix says and walks towards the entrance. I duck behind some rocks and hope that she won't see me. She walks past me soon followed by the three other females. As soon as there gone I rush to the lake and jump in. I scrub my scales with moss. When my scales are clean I climb out and shake myself to dry off. Then I hurry to my cave to study.

I hope you guys like the story! Also, don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think! I am also open to suggestions. Thanks for reading!<3


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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