Jade Mountain Academy

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Me and Cliff entered the Academy and where greeted by Starflight, the school librarian. " Name please." Starflight asks. " Auklet." I answered. " Okay, cave number 10. What is you name?" Starflight continues. " Cliff." he answers. " Lets see, you will be in.......cave number 7." " Thanks." they both say. Cliff and I start walking towards our caves. " I wonder who my clawmates are?" I ask Cliff. " I was wondering the same thing. It is kinda a bummer that we don't have the same cave number." Cliff answered. " I mean they are just down the hall from each other." I reason.       " Ya I guess. Hey Auklet, I wanted to give you something." He says. I watch and he pulls a beautiful pearl necklace. He hands it to me. " This is for you. I want you to know that I like you....a lot. You are so nice and pretty." He says. I run forward and give him a big hug. " Cliff, its beautiful. Thank you.......I umm..... I like you too." I manage to say. Cliff's face has a huge smile on it. " Do you want to be a thing? I mean like boyfriend/girlfriend type thing." I ask. " Of course I want to be with you Auklet. I would love to be your boyfriend," Cliff says. " I would gladly be your girlfriend." I answer back. Cliff walk me to my room. " Bye, see you later." Cliff says. He turns and walks away. I enter my cave to see a quiet Mudwing reading in the corner. " Hi, my name is Auklet. What's your's?" I ask the quiet dragon. " Uhh what... oh, my name is Coyote. Nice to meet you Auklet."  He answers. I walk towards the moss bed. " Is it okay if I take this bed?" I ask Coyote. He nods his head. I set my leather bag on the ledge next to my bed and lay down. " I'm gonna take a quick nap. Will you wake me up if you see my boyfriend?" I ask him. I don't see his reply because my eyes are already closed. I slowly drift of to sleep. I'm almost asleep when I hear a quiet " Night Auklet." from Coyote. I drift of to sleep thinking about how amazing Cliff is.

" Auklet, wake up. Auklet its me, Cliff." I slowly open my eyes to see Cliff sitting next to me. " How long did I sleep?" I ask Cliff. " Coyote said you have been asleep for about and hour." Cliff answered. " Oh, do you want to go get something to eat?" I ask. " Ya, lets go." He says as he leads me out of the cave. We walk in peaceful silence to the hunting cave. When we enter it was chaos. There were dragons chasing cows, chickens, pig, sheep, basically anything that could run was being chased. " Hey Cliff, do you want to go outside to hunt instead?" I ask my boyfriend. " Anything for you my queen." he says bowing. We both get up and walk out the door. I notice that there is another dragon in the cave with Coyote. She is a Skywing. " One sec Cliff." I say. " Hi I'm Auklet, what's your name?" I ask the Skywing. " My name is Phoenix." she answers bordly. " Um, okay bye." I walk out with Cliff by my side. We talk the whole way to the entrance. "Wanna race?" I ask. " That would be SO unfair because I have bigger wings." he jokes. " 1...2...3....GO!" I yell as I take of. Cliff is startled so I have a head start. I am flying through the trees when a net comes out of nowhere. I can't stop in time and fly into the net. Before I can even yell for help I am knocked out and everything slowly go black. I hear my captor chuckle. " Its about time princess." He says. Then the world go's black.

DUNDUNDUNNNNNN Find out what happens to Auklet in the next chapter. ( I still have no Idea what I am doing for the next chapter so your guess is as good as mine) :)

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