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After we finished watching the new episodes of f/s, Mikasa and I headed up to her room and we just hung up there until her parents got home so we can order pizza. She was laying on her bed and I was sitting in her spinney chair and there was a speaker on the desk playing f/s. I was slowly spinning on the chair while we talked about everything and nothing, when there were two knocks on the door.

"Come in!" Mikasa pauses the music and I spin the chair so that I was facing the door. The door opens and a lady with medium length, black hair and a dress on was standing in the doorframe.

"Hi Mikasa how was-" she cut herself off and looked at me going into a lower tone, "Oh who is this?"

"This is y/n. I went roller skating with her last month remember?" Mikasa looked at me and I looked at her and back to her mom.

"Oh yeah of course, well hi I'm Colette." She gave a slight smile towards me.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled and looked at her.

"Do you think we can order pizza tonight?" Mikasa asked.

"Pizza? We usually make something, we haven't got pizza in a while." Her mom said looking back and forth between Mikasa and I.

"I know but since y/n is over I'm not sure if she would like it." She tried to convince her.

"Uh yeah sure I guess. Just have them deliver for six o'clock." She breathed in deeply and raised her shoulders a bit and gave me an annoyed look.

"Okay thank you." Mikasa pulled out her phone and started to order. Her mom left and closed the door.

"What kind should we get?" Mikasa looked up from here phone to me.

"Maybe we can get f/p?" I suggested.

"Oooo yeah. We just need to make sure Levi is fine with it, can you go to his room and ask him while I set up the order?" She requested.

"Uh yeah sure." I get up and open the door and slightly shut it. I walked a bit down the hall and knocked on Levi's door. There was no response so I knock again and just like the time before, no response. I turn to head back to Mikasa's room when a door opens. Levi walks out and stops when he saw me at his door.

"What are you doing brat?" He looks at me while I slowly move away from his door.

"Um, Mikasa wanted me to ask you if you want f/p pizza?" I say fidgeting with my fingers.

"Yeah, sure." He walks towards his door.

"Okay." I slowly start to walk away when I surprise myself by turning around. "By the way Levi?" He was about to close his door and he opened it to look at me. "Are you okay from earlier? You didn't get hit but we fell pretty hard and I just wanted to ask if you were okay in gener-" Levi cuts me off.

"Uh yeah I'm okay, thanks for asking brat." He quickly closed the door and I turn around and walked back into Mikasa's room. Even though Levi was always mean to me, it would never hurt to be nice. Yes, I would give him attitude sometimes but it was only when I had felt like it or I was in a bad mood. "He said yeah." I looked up at Mikasa as I walked in and closed the door.

"Okay good because I ordered it before you asked him." She smiled and we started to giggle.

While we waited for the pizza to get to the house, we were listening to music and playing Uno. I had won the first game and Mikasa won the second game and then the door bell had rung.

"We're having one more game after to break the tie." I say smiling.

"I'll obviously be the winner." Mikasa said letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah okay, we'll see about that." We get up and head downstairs. Mikasa's dad had gotten the pizza and put it on the island in the kitchen and he sat next to it reading a newspaper. Everyone was in the kitchen, all doing their own things and Mikasa and I go to the sink and wash our hands before sitting at the island and grabbing a plate and slice of pizza. Levi comes into the kitchen and starts to wash his hands.

"Honey can you take the garbage and these boxes out please?" Colette asks Levi.

"And go to the garage and get some drinks." Laurent had looked up at Levi.

"tch" Levi looked annoyed and grabbed the trash bags and the boxes and walked outside the back door. Both of the parents were sitting at the island with Mikasa and I and Colette looked up at me.

"Y/n I don't really know much about you. Have you been in this town since you were born?" She asked and took a bite of her food.

"Uh no. I moved here last year during the summer" I smiled and took a bite of the pizza that was in my hand.

"Oh okay! Do you have any siblings?" She asked in between bites.

"No I'm an only child. It gets super boring at my house." I let out a small laugh and she smiled as well.

"Yeah I can't imagine!" She took a bite and talkes in between chews looking in all different directions. "I have four siblings." She added. I nodded and all of a sudden she looked at my eyes. "Do you get pizza a lot? We usually don't since, ya know."

"I sometimes do and what do you mean? Why don't you get it much?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Well usually we focus on being healthy and I'm not bragging or anything but we usually get more expensive foods since we're able to." I squint my eyes and look at Mikasa still very confused as to why that would matter. She wasn't eating and was just observing the conversation.

"I mean anyone can get pizza no matter what right?" I put down my pizza and start to wipe my hands.

"No yeah anyone can, I just didn't know if you would be able to. I shouldn't have explained I knew you wouldn't get it." She finished her pizza and started to wash her plate.

"No please, explain. I wanna understand where you're coming from and please, don't sugar coat anything." I say with a smile as I started to understand what she was trying to do.

"Okay well you see, our family usually doesn't get stuff like this unlike you people because we focus on staying healthy and making sure we look clean and acceptable."

"Mom stop." Mikasa looks up at her and turns to me shaking her head.

"I'm just saying the truth Mika and-" I cut her off

"And what do you mean people like me?" I fooled my hands and placed them in front of me on the table.

"People like you meaning, the people that dress like you. So you middle class status idiots." My mouth opens and I look around keeping myself from blowing up. "Ya know I wouldn't know if you would be able to afford it since you're wearing clothes like that." That's it.

"Unlike you, I'm fucking grateful for the things I have and I appreciate the fact that I even have the things I have because there's people that don't even have a lot. If you were in the shoes of a person that doesn't have a home and can't barely even afford food, you wouldn't even last a fucking day!" At this point I started to raise my voice and tears formed in my eyes.

"You know what you can get out of my house! I do not need this shit in here!" She yells at me.

"Gladly!" I run towards the back door and grab my shoes and backpack and slide the door open. Leaving it open I run through the backyard and down the side of the house with tearing running down my face. 'Where the fuck did all the confidence I just had go?' I thought. My eyes blur my view and I'm about to turn the corner when I bump into someone and fall.

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