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I opened the door to see my mom standing there with a serious look on her face. She walked in and gently extended her arms straight out to my chest, making me shuffle my feet back. She closed the door and then quickly folded her hands together causing a clap noise and pointed to me with both of her index fingers.

"You," She sighed and looked at me, "you got a good one!" Her face changed into a genuine smile as she hopped.

I always believed my mom was a teenager at heart. She always kept up with what was happening in my friend groups and told me things that would happen at work or with her friends. She's like my best friend and my older sister, always being there for me and making sure I had fun being a teenager. I giggled and covered my face which was flushed as my mouth curved into a smile.

"He's respectful and he seems like he cares for you. Also did you do the dishes? I was gonna wash your plates but saw they were washed already." She asked. I shook my head no and smiled as my body overwhelmed with energy. Her facial expression changed to one that was also overwhelmed with surprise and happiness. "He did them didn't he?" She brought her hands up to her mouth as it was open in awe. I nodded and all the energy exploded out of her. "Ah I'm so happy for you!" She engulfed me into her arms, giving me a bear hug.

"How's dad feeling about it?" I released the hug and looked at her. "Does he like him?"

"You know how he is, he's just being protective. He'll be fine once he knows him better." She gave me a reassuring smile. "I'm gonna go shower now." She turned around to the door but whipped back around on her toes. "Also can you do something with my hair tomorrow?" She pointed at her hair which was in a low ponytail and hung to her mid back. She had the same h/c hair as me and was even the same texture.

"Yeah of course." I smiled and slumped onto my bed.

"Okay thank youuuu." She walked out and now it was just me alone in my room.

The thought of Levi lingered on my mind no matter what I did. Being with him felt right and perfect and I hoped that we'd never get torn apart from each other.

I took a shower and got ready for bed and passed out as soon as I my head hit the pillow since the nap I had taken earlier just made me drowsier.


The weekend had gone by fast and I didn't realize until I woke up to the ringing on my alarm next to me. "Fucking hell" I groaned as I turned and slammed the button that stopped the blaring alarm. I laid in bed, rubbing my eyes and already knew what type of day it was gonna be.

Since I hung out with Levi on Saturday, it took all the energy out of me. It always happened whenever I hang out with anyone and I was still wasn't fully charged. Which meant I had to go through the day, not wanting to talk to anyone. I hated it since I wanted to talk to my friends so they didn't think I hated them but I wouldn't have the patience to deal with anyone or anything.

I dragged myself out of bed, having my feet touch the cold wooden floor that creaked. Dragging my feet against the floor, I made my way to the closet and grabbed a hoodie and jeans and did everything I had to before leaving the house.

I closed the front door and took a deep breath, having the fresh air fill my lungs and release from my mouth. I started walking and pulled my phone out and explored through all of my notifications. I didn't check them when I first woke up so I had a few from random apps and from Levi and Mikasa.

Levi: Morning brat

He texted me again 20 minutes later since I hadn't responded.

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